[Cinci-NFB] National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter, Meeting Minutes for January 2023
Christopher Sabine
info at onhconsulting.com
Fri Feb 17 18:06:20 UTC 2023
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
Cincinnati Chapter
Meeting Minutes for January 2023
1. The January 2023 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was convened by President Gloria Robinson at approximately 1:35 P.M. on Saturday, January 28, 2023. In attendance at today's meeting were President Gloria Robinson, Emily Pennington, Frank Bragassa, Chris Windham, Dave Perry, Christopher Sabine, Tammy McRae, Walter Mitchell, Haley Thurston, Tapeka Turner, Andre Spears, Akeelah Cade, and James Mingo.
2. Walter Mitchell moved to accept the December 2022 minutes as presented. Emily Pennington seconded, and the motion passed.
3. Emily Pennington presented this month's Treasurer's report. Frank Bragassa moved to accept the Treasurer's report. Christopher Sabine seconded, and the motion passed.
4. Walter Mitchell announced that the Ohio Diabetes Action Network (DAN) will be holding a seminar, "chronic kidney disease: Prevention, Detection, and Management", on Saturday, February 4, 2023 from 10:30 to 12:00 Noon on the Ohio Affiliate Zoom Platform. The seminar will include an endocrinologist, a pancreas and kidney transplant recipient, a kidney dialysis patient, and Cincinnati Chapter Member Gary Warren, who just received a new kidney and received in-home dialysis in the past. Walter encouraged all Chapter members to support DAN, regardless of whether they have Diabetes. Annual dues are $5 and should be paid to Colleen Roth, DAN's President. Anyone interested in further information about DAN can contact Walter Mitchell, and contact information was provided at today's meeting. Walter is also reachable on the Cinci-Talk Listserv.
5. Andre Spears gave a brief introduction of himself and the reasons why he is interested in joining the National Federation of the Blind.
6. Gloria expressed that she is planning on taking a number of actions designed to bring the Chapter closer to the community and advocate for the needs of Blind people in Greater Cincinnati. Anyone needing assistance of any kind is to reach out to key leaders in the Chapter as well as anyone on the Board of Directors.
7. Dave Perry gave this month's Legislative Committee report, as he will be attending Washington Seminar, the Federation's premier legislative event set for January 27-30. Dave summarized this year's three national legislative priorities, which will be covered at this year's Washington Seminar. They are as follows:
* The Web Sites and Software Applications and Accessibility Act would direct the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Department of Justice to promulgate accessibility regulations within twelve months of enactment through a notice of proposed rulemaking and issue a final rule within an additional twelve months of enactment, establish a comprehensive statutory definition for accessibility, establish a technical assistance center for covered entities, individuals with disabilities, and commercial providers of web sites and software applications, and ensure that the regulations keep pace with new and emerging technologies through periodic reviews if necessary.
* The Nonvisual medical Device Accessibility Act would direct the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to promulgate accessibility regulations for Class 2 and Class 3 medical devices(such as glucose monitors, C-pap machines, pace makers, etc.) within twelve months of enactment in consultation with stakeholders with disabilities and manufacturers, issue a final rule after an additional twelve months, and authorize the FDA to enforce the accessibility rules for Class 2 and Class 3 medical devices.
* The Blind Americans Return to Work Act would establish a two-for-one phase out of benefits for blind Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) recipients earning more than the significant gainful activity (SGA) limit and eliminate the trial work period and grace period for SSDI recipients.
8. Gloria Robinson, following Dave Perry's report, expressed that she will be adopting a Blind girl with retinitis pigmentosa.
9. President Gloria Robinson expressed that she will be establishing a new planning and action committee within the Chapter, which will be charged with organizing events that are safe and inclusive for members of the Chapter and the blind community as a whole. She is seeking a person to chair the committee, and further information will be shared at the next Chapter meeting. Several members expressed interest in participating in this committee.
10. Dave Perry gave a report from the Fundraising Committee. He reported that the Double Good Popcorn fundraiser is still ongoing, expressing continued confidence that the Chapter will make money from the campaign. Brochures are available to send out to Chapter members. Following Dave's report, President Gloria Robinson announced that the Chapter will be holding a Valentine's Day Fundraising Event at the Price Hill Knights of Columbus Hall, 4109 W. Eighth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. The event will take place on Saturday, February 11 from 6:00 to 10:00 P.M. The event will include a dinner of meatloaf, fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, dinner rolls, and dessert. There will be music, entertainment, and raffles Admission is $10 per person at the door, and the Chapter is seeking donations. President Robinson expressed that an Italian dinner is in the works for sometime this summer, and the Amazon Air Frier campaign discussed in previous meetings is still in the planning stages. President Robinson expressed that assistance to attend State and National Conventions will depend on the participation and contribution of individual members to Chapter activities.
11. Chris Windham gave a report from the Transportation Committee. Chris reported that he would be interested in conducting "light mobility lessons" for members needing assistance and information regarding travel in specific areas. Christopher Sabine reported that Metro has two new routes, a crosstown route linking Forest Park and Symmes Township and an expanded connection from the Oakley Transit Center to Sharonville. Discussion turned to ongoing concerns about Metro drivers' failure to announce their routes, call out stops using the announcement system, and even passing by members without acknowledging their route. Christopher Sabine agreed to contact Khaled Shammout, Vice President for Strategic Planning at the Southwest Ohio regional Transit Authority, to invite him or another representative from SORTA's management team to discuss these concerns. After today's meeting was adjourned, Christopher was able to reach out to MR. Shammout, who promised that a representative from SORTA would be at the February meeting. President Gloria Robinson again emphasized the need for members (particularly the Board and Chapter leadership) to support all Chapter members and advocate for the Blind community.
12. Andre Spears and James Mingo were formally sworn in as new members of the National Federation of the Blind per the national onboarding process.
13. The January 2023 meeting of the National Federation of the blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was adjourned at approximately 3:02 P.M. on Saturday January 28, 2024. The February Chapter meeting will be held by telephone conference on Saturday, February 25, 2023, from 1:30 to 3:30 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Christopher Sabine
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
Cincinnati Chapter
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