[Cinci-NFB] Ohio D.A.N. presents: Chronic Kidney Disease Prevention, Detection and Management; Sat. Feb 4 at 10:30 AM Eastern

walterl.mitch2 at gmail.com walterl.mitch2 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 28 11:47:48 UTC 2023


Educate, Empower and Inspire

The Ohio Diabetes Action Network invites you to our next segment of diabetes
education and dialogue.


Topic:  Chronic Kidney Disease; Prevention, Detection and Management


When:  Saturday February 4, 2023 at 10:30AM Eastern


Where:  The Ohio Affiliate zoom platform (please read below for the Ohio
zoom platform information)


Please join us to learn information and get answers to questions about this
disease that is mainly derived from the ramifications of diabetes. Our
speakers for this event:


1.	Dr. Harold Pretorius, Ohio Endocrinologist
2.	Sherry Ruth, successful kidney and pancreas transplant patient
3.	Charles Legister, current kidney dialysis patient
4.	Gary Warren, successful kidney transplant and former home dialysis


We plan to have a flowing discussion and informative segment on chronic
kidney disease. Will you please join us? For any questions, please contact
Walter Mitchell at (513) 250-2432.



Ohio zoom platform information:




Meeting ID: 408 185 0851



One tap mobile +1-646-876-9923, 4081850851# US


Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abdqTMSdcy


We look forward to hearing your voice in the room.


Thank you,

The Board of Directors of the Ohio Diabetes Action Network

President, Walter Mitchell

Vice President, JoAnn Williams

Secretary, Ahkeela Cade

Treasurer, Coleen Roth

Board Member, Wilbert Turner



Diabetes Action Network's purpose:

Educate, Empower and Inspire blind and visually impaired people to
independently and confidently manage diabetes.





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