[Cinci-NFB] You are cordially invited to attend the NFB of Cincinnati Spring Ball, Saturday April 29 from 6 -11:00 P.M.

Christopher Sabine info at onhconsulting.com
Thu Mar 9 21:25:50 UTC 2023

The National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter cordially invites you to our NFB Spring Ball, Saturday, April 29, 2023 from 6:00 to 11:00 P.M. at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 4109 W. Eighth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. This is a black-tie event with a theme of spring colors.

Admission is $20 per person at the door with all proceeds going to the chapter. A full dinner will be served, and there will be a national guest speaker (to be announced at a later date).

For those planning on traveling to this event, rooms will be available at the Quality Inn and Suites, located at 800 West Eighth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. The hotel is about 4-5 miles from the Knights of Columbus Hall with rideshare and paratransit services readily available. Rooms will be available for $99 per night with a free breakfast included.

For more information about this exciting event or to RSVP, please contact Gary Warren by phone at (513) 441-7951 or email gwarren82 at gmail.com<mailto:gwarren82 at gmail.com>. Please RSVP by April 1.

We hope as many of you will attend as possible. Let's go build the Federation in Greater Cincinnati.

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