[Coagdu] The yahoo list for Coagdu.

melissa R green graduate56 at juno.com
Fri Apr 4 01:39:48 UTC 2014

For those who want to post discussion questions.  Please describe to the 
yahoo list.
You must subscribe first.
To subscribe: click on the below link.
NFB_Colorado_guide_dog_users-subscribe at yahoogroups.com
A new message will open up.  Once this occurs, send the message.  Do not put 
anything in the subject or the body of the message.
You will get a message back from yahoo.
Hit reply and then send the message.
then you will be subscribed.
Once you are subscribed you will be able to send questions and topics for 
I also realize that people may also want to use this list as a discussion 
list.  If I am correct in my assumption, let me know and I will contact 
david andrews to have this list changed from announcemts to a discussion 
list.  That is if majority rules.  Smile!
Have a blessed day.
Best Wishes
Melissa R. Green and Pj
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