[Coagdu] Fw: [NFB_Colorado_guide_dog_users] meeting minutes from 1-12-14

melissa R green graduate56 at juno.com
Sun Feb 9 20:08:33 UTC 2014

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Marty Rahn" <marty.rahn at juno.com>
To: <nfb_colorado_guide_dog_users at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2014 11:52 PM
Subject: [NFB_Colorado_guide_dog_users] meeting minutes from 1-12-14

Hi all,

Please find the minutes from the last meeting below. Thanks.


The meeting was called to order at 1:08 PM. People present were Melissa, 
Marty, Shon, and Penn. Jenny, Becky, and Beth all arrived later in the call. 
The minutes from the last meeting were approved as sent to the list and the 
treasurer's report states that we currently have $75 in our account. Melissa 
is still working on transportation to get down to Denver to meet up with 
Shon and Becky in order to get their names on the account. We then moved to 
discussion of the seminars. We decided on the 31st of May to have our first 
seminar. Beth asked where we would hold the seminar, and Shon suggested the 
CCB. Beth then suggested that we have breakout sessions since we may 
potentially have all kinds of people attending and Shon suggested that we 
have some of both breakout sessions and pannel type discussions geared 
toward consumers both with and  without guides who may be looking  into 
getting a guide dog in the future. Beth suggested looking around the local 
community to see if local pet shops and other private entities might be 
interested in exhibiting or sponsoring part of the seminar or in donating 
door prizes. Shon will check with Julie about the 31st to see if we can have 
the center on that date. He will also check on the 10th of May in case the 
31st will not work. Beth asked if someone would like to contact guide dog 
schools in order to get info on the various programs. Jenny will contact 
Guiding Eyes, Shon will contact The Seeing Eye, Beth will contact Guide Dogs 
for the Blind and Melissa will contact Leader Dogs and Pilot dogs. We will 
ask Jessica if she will contact Fidelco. We already have info from The Guide 
Dog Foundation. Shon asked about how long our seminar should be. The general 
consensus was about four hours from 1:00-4:00 PM. There was general 
discussion about finding a businness to possibly donate lunch. Melissa asked 
if Shon, Beth and Becky would work on finding a  businness to donate lunch. 
It was agreed that COAGDU members will need to be at the center by 11:00 to 
set up. We discussed advertising next. Ideas that were introduced included 
putting a flyer out on our listservs and on our facebook group, printing out 
a card that we can hand out to dog users we see in the community, talking to 
Jessica about getting the Free White Cane and Braille Monitor lists and 
advertising on the NFB lists, with AINC, CTBL, and on Newsline. Once we get 
things firmed up, we will  contact these agencies to see about advertising 
our seminar and will also send out a message to selicit RSVPS. Penn 
suggested that we give everyone a doggie bag at our seminar containing 
information on our division, a doggie treat and a human treat also. Penn 
will handle getting bags donated. Shon suggested that we could look into 
finding a way to make dog school themed candy bars that we use for potential 
fundraising and to donate as door prizes. Penn suggested asking schools 
about promoting themselves through free material such as keychains, 
bookmarks,  etc. Beth let us know about a place called Bold Lead Designs 
that may donate if we approach the owner. Shon asked about the proposal we 
sent to Scott for funding. Melissa said that he received it and that it 
would likely be  brought up at the next board meeting on February 28th. This 
will be held right after the Day at The Capital wraps up. Melissa said that 
the issues that we are bringing to the attention of the legislature this 
year include equal access rights for retired guides like their working 
counterparts in the realm of housing, strengthening the braille bill, 
strengthening the ADA, increased funding for Newsline, and writing a bill 
stating that no workshop in Co can pay  disabled workers subminimum wage. 
The Legislative Afairs Committee who is working on these issues will meet 
tomorrow night via conference call and Melissa will update us on this 
meeting since she is on this committee. Melissa also updated us on the  rest 
of the board meeting which included a discussion about fundraising, updates 
on the second edition of the CSDB Mentoring program that CABS is running, 
and other things. We t> hen turned to discussing fundraising for our 
division. Beth suggested finding a plaáe with an outdoor pool where dogs can 
swim before said pool has closed down for the season as the basis for a 
fundraiser. Penn Street suggested putting together a guide dog 5k walk or 
run. She said that if several guide dog teams  attended such an event, that 
we could get lots of attention for our division and she further explained 
that most races  sponsored by USABA and other companies who work with people 
who are blind or visually impaired want guide dog users to sign up and walk 
or run. She explained that we could set up an event through facebook where 
people could donate so much per mile or kilometer. We decided to forego the 
Amerças Guide Dogs Conference this year and focus more on fundraising and 
planning our seminars. We set our next meeting in February for the 9th at 
1:00 PM. Beth asked if anyone else had had issues finding safe places for 
their dogs to exercise and most said that they had issues finding places. 
She told us about a place called the Zoom Room for those in Denver where one 
can pay for private time for their dogs. She suggested looking into other 
safe places for our dogs to run. The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Marty Rahn, Secretary,
Colorado association of Guide Dog Users

Warm Regards,
Marty Rahn, Ma,
Teacherof Students with Visual Impairments
Weld Re-8, Re-3j, and Morgan Re-3
Home: 970-353-5067
Cell: 719-271-9496
Email: marty.rahn at juno.com

Warm Regards,
Marty Rahn, Ma,
Teacherof Students with Visual Impairments
Weld Re-8, Re-3j, and Morgan Re-3
Home: 970-353-5067
Cell: 719-271-9496
Email: marty.rahn at juno.com
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