[Coagdu] 6-1-14 meeting minutes

Marty Rahn marty.rahn at juno.com
Fri Jul 11 02:08:12 UTC 2014

Hi all,

Here are the minutes from the last meeting.


The meeting was called to order at 1:10 PM. People present were Melissa, Marty, Shon, Beth, Becky, Jenny and Daniel. WE first began by discussing the seminar. Overall, we all felt that the seminar went well. Daniel said that he had heard people say that we needed to from more breaks so that people could process all of the info they were receiving. We also felt that we needed to make an anouncement about use of cell phones and being curteous at the beginning of the seminar or at the start of each session. We also felt that we had a good turnout. Shon would like people to email him with their thoughts of how the seminar went so that we can begin putting together the Water Dish Newsletter. We decided that we needed to look at how registration was run since their were some issues and rework logistics so that registration ran more smoothly. Becky says that we had $41 in the account after Melissa withdrew the $60 to make change during registration at the seminar. With the $60 in change at the conclusion (the seminar, we had $349 total. After this $60 was subtracted, we made a total of $288. The Treasurer's report was approved as read. The minutes from the last meeting were also approved as posted to the listservs. We have decided to ask either Scott or Jessica why it appears that we need to jump through so many hoops in order to get móy. We specifically wish to know if this is a new practice or not. Next, we discussed fundraising and Shon said that he would like to try the Chipotle fundraiser. We will ask for money for flyers to be printed up about our organization so that people know where their money is going if they choose to support our cause. Shon will find out if we can attach a flyer about our organization to the coupons that we would distribute. Shon then stated that Chipotle will provide flyers for us and that we needed to send them info on our division. We would still like to print something up that discusses our organization in a little more detail. We need to detoumine with Chipotle how long the fundraiser can run. Shon will send the info he has to Melissa so that she can send it to others. He will find out if we can hand out flyers to customers and how this might be accomplished. We have decided to forego the Wallmart and look into selling something else. Some suggestions of items to sell were guide dog stuffed animals wearing harnesses or t-shirts. We all need to look on the internet for viable fundraising options. Marty stated that we could ask the afiliate for money to begin a fundraiser. Becky asked how we could get others involved, and Shon said that we needed to remind people about upcoming meetings and that we use the conference line we are on today for the board businness and that we also use the 712 number for general meetings. We discussed coming up with monthbby topics to discuss at the general meetings. We discussed having the two calls on the same day maybe a couple of hours apart. Beth suggested that we do the general meetings every three months so that we can get speakers and make the calls interesting so that people will be more apt to join. We also discussed the 75 days of chapter development in which  the NFB is going to be engaging after National Convention. We are unsure of precsely what will be happening during this campaign but will post info as we get it. We will stick with monthly board calls so that we can keep the division running smoothly. Daniel brought up the topic of what we could do to help further the initiative for the Service dog 911 that Natalie Orell brought up. Daniel will be our liason between Natalie and Lisa who are spearheading the initiative and the COAGDU board. Also we will people forth a resolution at our state convention so that we can get support from our afiliate for this project. We will ask Ryan Wots if he is willing to help us with the writing of the resolution given his background. We scheduled our next meeting for July 13th at 1:00 PM. We briefly then discussed whether or not Jenny will need to resign from the board since she is leaving the state. Marty will look up how this should be handled according to our constitution and will make a report to the board. Marty will also craft a thank you note to send to pannelists and those who donated to our seminar and will send this out on the listserv for correction and distribution. The meeting was then adjourned at 2:40 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Marty Rahn, Secretary,

Colorado Association of Guide Dog Users
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