[Coagdu] COAGDU meeting minutes from 4-6-14

Marty Rahn marty.rahn at juno.com
Fri May 2 20:45:20 UTC 2014

 Hi all,

Please find the minutes from the last meeting of the guide dog division below.


The meeting was called to order at 1:05 PM. People present were Melissa, Jenny, Becky Shon and Marty. Melsssa did  a quick rundown of the agenda and Becky and Shon both said they had additional businness. The division now has a simple checking account through Wellsfargo without a savings account. Melissa will send the online  account   info to Becky and Shon. We currently have a balance of $133 in our account. This includes the money that we had in savings which was transfered into the checking account. We received a credit on Feb. 13, 2014 of $125. The minutes from last month's meeting were approved as prsted to the listserv. We next moved to the discussion of the upcoming May Seminar. Melissa has the donations letter wristen. Melissa will send this to the list. Shon said that he wanted to set up a time for the people who live in Denver to get together and put together packets of literature from the guide dog schokls. He proposed that the group meet on a weekend. He stated that  he has the literature from all of the schools in his office currently. We decided  that the Denver group would meet on April  19th to put together packets. We  discussed putting packets together in folders. Becky will look at Office Max and/or Office Depot, Marty will look on Amazon and Melissa will search other online stores. Becky said that she has been talking with Joe Tripolet who may know of some people who are on the RTD board who may be willing to come and speak at our seminar. Noone has contacted the housing Authority as of yet. Shon has a call into Yellow Cab and will contact the Public  Utilities Commission if he does not hear from Yellow since they are over all of the  cab companies. Beth has contacted a vet who may be willing to speak. Becky will try to call the Housing Authority. Becky will also attempt to get in touch with DSS offices on the Auraria Campus to see about their policies regarding those who use service animals. We need to find out from Beth about the potential rep from the TSA that she knows. We have not heard anything more on our proposal for seed money from the afiliate. We will attempt to bring this up again with the state board. Melissa will send another message to Scott to see where a potential decision on our proposal may stand. Regarding committee meetings, the Food Committee will meet at 1:00 PM on April 13th via conference call and the Fundraising Committee will meet at 1:45 PM also via conference call. The Food Committee is comprised of Shon, Becky, Daniel and Beth. The Fundraising Committtee members are Marty, Melissa, Shon Becky and Beth. Regarding our seminar format, some of the presenters with which we have had contact have requested meeting in a large group instead of breakout sessions. We discussed having a large group session at first and for breaking out into exhibits after this large session is complete. We will send out the flyer for the seminar again to the listservs as well as to AINC  and Newsline once again. Melissa will contact Penn to see whether she is able to take RSVPS. Our next meeting was set for May 4th at 1:00 PM. The meeting was adjourned at 2:10 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Marty Rahn, Secretary,
Colorado Association of Guide Dog Users
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