[Coagdu] 5-11-14 meeting minutes

Marty Rahn marty.rahn at juno.com
Mon May 12 04:03:16 UTC 2014

Hi all,

Here ale the minutes from tonight's meeting.


The meeting was called to order at 6:40 PM. People present were Shon, Melissa, Marty, Daniel, and Beth. Melissa pulled up the agenda. Shon began with what he had found out this past week. He has confirmed that Steve Patton will present on Cane Vs. Guide Dogs. He also said that the representative named Michael from Guiding Eyes may not be coming down to this seminar, but may be coming to our state convention. Guiding Eyes will send more pamphlets and info for packets. We also have a rep from the Seeing Eye for our state convention. Shon said that Rita will be coming from the ADA Center and Jessica Beecham would also like to be on the agenda to discuss initiatives pertaining to guide dogs that are taking place around the state. Melissa said that Marion Gwizdola, President of our national organization, may say a few words via telephone if they are unable to find a NAGDU board member to come to the seminar. Shon is also waiting to hear back from a lady connected with the Littleton Housing Authority, and we also have a handous which Marion sent across the guide dog lists about guide dogs and apartments which je will print/braille out and distribute in packets. He has placed a call to both Yellow Cab and Metro Taxi, but neither one has called back. Rita from the Colorado ADA Center said that she can help cover the transportation angle. We do not know if Becky has contacted RTD. Beth will follow up on the RTD angle via Brent. We were unable to find someone to speak from the TSA. Beth said that she would keep trying on this. Regarding the rafle, we have received the Avon baskets that were donated and Jenn will get the rafle tickets brailled this week. We discussed doing one ticket for $1 and 3 for $5 which everyone thought was fine. Beth also said that the vet, Dr. Justin, will be coming and will bring a handous about health and dogs that he would like to have distributed. He will also be bringing some models of skulls and things. She said that she had confirmed the center's address so that they can send literature and a possible donation for a door prize. Beth has also talked with one of the employees at the Zoom Room to see if they would donate something, but she has not heard back as of yet. She will follow up this week. Melissa asked if we ^have heard anything about a groomer, and Daniel said that she could not come out that day due to being booked solid. He also did ask about donating a groming package for a door prize, but does not know about this yet. Daniel also said that he has called and left messages for the puppy raiser group, and has not gotten anything back from them. Beth said that she will try to contact some of the local pet stores to see if one of them may wish to donate something or to send someone to present. According to Melissa, Penn has gotten the gdie bags put together and has some donations, but we are not sure what these are. Melissa will contact her to find out about this. Regarding fundraising, Shon said that he contacted Walmart and they said that they would not allow us to sell foods that are not packaged at their store due to liability issues. Beth brought up the idea of using a kick starter website to raise money, but said that we would need to have a project. We briefly discussed a Guide Dog Awareness Day or something of that nature. We discussed perhaps finding a place that may donate space and also possibly setting up a guide dog obstacle course where our dogs could show their skills, and coinsiding this with the guide couldog awareness week or month once we find out when this occurs. We discussed finding a place within the agenda to let people who would like to do so walk with a guide dog. We discussed cutting down the juide dog user story portion of the morning session to two people and putting in a break for releiving dogs and possibly letting people walk with dogs. We discussed keeping the man from Guiding eyes on the agenda because he is also on the RSVP list and does want a table. Shon will get his info from Melissa and will follow up with him so that we are all on the same page and he knows what to expect. Shon will call Becky to see where she is at with contacting Pizza Hutt and RTD. He will also check with Antonio about brailleing of handouts and Melissa will try to get in touch with Jessica about whether or not she has sent out the flyer about the seminar to the Chapter President's list. Shon also said that he had talked to Wayne who said that we could get a case of drinks from them at cost. He was thinking that we could do a diet, a regular soda and a water. He will contact Cosco and see if they may be withilling to donate drinks. People will pay for lunch at the door. We decided that we may need to wait until the Friday before the seminar to draw out money for making change since this is when Melissa will be down in Denver and she is currently the only signer on the account. Daniel reminded us to send him information for the resource list. We then moved to a discussion of what to do with board members that have not shown up to séal consecutive meetings. We discussed appointing someone in the interum to take the member's place on the board. We also decided to look at writing an amendment to our constitution to make clear that if a member of the board is not present at several meetings without being excused, then they will be expelled from the board. This would be done at our Businness meeting at State Convention. Our hope is to recruit people at state convention who may be not as involved in the NFB and who then may have a little more time to devote while taking in the message and possitive philosophy of our organization. Beth will contact a GDB grad that she knows who has a lot of contacts within the organization. We decided to send out a message stating that we will accept late RSVPS. The next meeting is set for next Sunday 5-18-14 at 6:30 PM. The meeting was then adjourned at 8:05 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Marty Rahn, Secretary,

Colorado Association of Guide Dog Users
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