[Coagdu] meeting minutes from 8-17-14

Marty Rahn marty.rahn at juno.com
Sun Sep 7 02:38:22 UTC 2014

Hi all,

Please find below the minutes from the last meeting.


The meeting was called to order at 1:40 PM. People present for this first portion of the meeting which was closed to the gengal membership were Melissa, Marty, Becky, Beth, and Shon. Beth joined the call around 2:00 PM. Melissa said she hasn't gotten any responses from her email asking for transportation problems. Becky has filed a complaint about Access-a-ride with RTD. We are still wanting to submit two resolutions; one on transportation for people with service dogs and the other pertaining to starting the Service dog 911. We briefly discussed the amendment to the constitution stating that a board member who misses a certain number of calls without notifying the president would be expelled from the board. We decided to say in our amendment that a member of the board who cannot make the call neededs to notify someone on the board and that the members have to be dues paying members in order to be considered and appointed to the vacant board position. Melissa, Marty and Daniel will meet briefly via conference call to word smith this amendment shortly. It turns out that Ohio is having their state convention at the same time as ours and that we need to check on whesr or not GDF and other schools who have already said that they would come to our convention are still coming. Melissa will send out an email polling members on what topics they would like to see discussed at our businness meeting. Melissa did check on a table in the exhibit hall. We can set up a table. We then moved to discussing fundraising with Yankee Candles because we can refer people to the website and Shon said that he would work with Jim at Yankee Candles to see if we can get samples to have at our exhibit hall table. Becky asked about whether or not we should call those that attended our seminar to see how they wanted to receive our newsletter. We decided that we would talk with Jessica and Carol to see if we can post our neswlr electronically to listservs on facebook, etc. We will be working with our Colorado Association of Blind Students, (CABS), to plan an event at convention and they will also be working with us on stafing the table in the exhibit hall. It was decided that Melissa and Cody would talk more and decide how this might work. At 2:00 PM, we opened up the call to the general membership. We did not have any general members join us. We continued our discussion of what we could possibly do during our cosponsored event. We discussed karioke as an activity. The Qreasurer's report indicated that we currently have $391 in our account with the withdrawl of a $5 fee. Beth has been added to the media committee along with Shon, Becky, Bionca and Brian. The next meeting was set for September 7th at 1:30 PM. The meeting was then adjourned at 2:40 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Marty Rahn, Secretary,

Colorado Association of Guide Dog Users

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