[Coagdu] cabs and coagdu joint event at convention.

melissa R green graduate56 at juno.com
Thu Sep 11 02:20:52 UTC 2014

Hi all.

We had a meeting on Sunday afternoon.  The results of the survey shows that
people who have taken the survey would like to have an event after banquet.
We will have a karaoke and dancing together.  We also will charge 5 dollars
for the admissions.  We will share a exhibit table with both cabs and the
Greeley chapter.  From sometime Friday until lunch time Saturday.  This is
where we will also collect money for the pie fundraiser.  Right now kevan
and scott are the top vote getters, and the rest are, Julie michelle and
john.  Shon jump in if I have missed anything.  I am pasting the link to the
survey in this message.  Before my signature.  If you haven't taken it.
Please do so and distribute to others.  






Melissa R Green and Pj

"Real friendship understands the depths of true feelings and sounds of words


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