[Coagdu] meeting minutes from 1-25-15
Marty Rahn
marty.rahn at juno.com
Sun Feb 22 04:34:41 UTC 2015
Hi all,
Please find the minutes from our last meeting below.
The meeting was called to order at 2:25 PM. People present were Marty, Melissa, Shon, Becky, Beth, and Tiffany. Don Brady was also on the call. The minutes from the last meeting were approved as posted. Treasurer's report indicated that we have $366.99 as of Dec. 31st. The Treasurer's report was moved, seconded and approved. Next, we discussed the leadership call hosted by NAGDU. Our division was mentioned several times as a model for other divisions. We need to send our amended constitution to Marion. The national organization is still selling t-shirts and is now also selling ponchos. They are looking for volunteers to help with fundraising, the hotline and the website. Regarding the literature campaign, Becky has procured Kernel books and material about the CCB that she is ginning to distribute to the offices of local doctors. We briefly discussed putting together a brochure for COAGDU that we can hand out also. Marty will send out the message that Marion sent containing information on a general brochure that can be obtained from the National Center, as well as a brochure example used by FLAGDU to the board for their review. Regarding our Yankee Candle fundraiser, we sold $378 worth of candles. Our portion of this is $151.20. The consensus from the members of the board who were on the call was that we need to see about running this fundraiser again. Shon will check into when the next campaign begins. Shon will also email the contact he has for the Chipotle fundraiser to see what we can get set up for later on in the spring or summer. We also discussed making up jars containing the dry injreedients for homemade dog treats along with a bone cookie cutter and the recipe to sell at national convention. Finally, we discussed our seminar. We first set a tentative date of June 13th. We decided to have people RSVP just as we did last year. We established committees. Tifcany, Marty, Becky, Don and Shon are on fundraising, and Marty Shon, Brian, and Melissa are on the media committee. Don is outreach along with Becky. Shon, Tiffann, Becky and Brian will be on the food committee for the seminar. Melissa will email the rest of the board to gather input about committees on which they would like to particisate. Committee chairs are Shon for Media and food, Don for outreach and Tiffany for fundraising. Lastly, Shon would like things for the newsletter, he would like them by April 1st. The next meeting was set for Sunday February 22, 2015 at 2:00 PM. The meeting was then adjourned at 3:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Marty Rahn, Secretary
Colorado Association of Guide Dog Users
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