[Coagdu] meeting minutes from 3-1-15

Marty Rahn marty.rahn at juno.com
Fri Mar 27 03:57:40 UTC 2015

Hi all,

Please find the minutes from our last meeting below.


The meeting was called to order at 2:15 PM. People present were Marty, Becky, Shon, Tiffany and Brian. Tina Hansen from our national board was also on the call. The minutes were moved, seconded and approved as posted to the listservs. The Treasurer's report said that we have $356.97. We still have checks that need to be deposited. The motion was moved and seconded to approve the report and it was approved. We then moved to discussing hof seminar. We decided to move ahead with the proposed date of June 13th, 2015. Shon will go ahead and speak with Julie about this. Regarding lunch, we decided to charge $10 for lunch. We will still try to get donations also. We also decided to have a rafle, and to also try for donations for door prizes. Melissa will update the donations letter for door prizes and send it to the board. Becky will call Guiding Eyes, Shon will call The Seeing Eye, and we will ask Don to reach out to GDB. MELISSA, will call GDF also. Regarding pannels, we want to try to have Ellie Carlson and Dr. Justin back. We also discussed trying again to get someone from the Public Utilities Commission to address the taxi cabs and service animals. SHON has a contact on the the PUC that he will talk with. Brian will contact Uber to see if we can detoumine if they are still unregulated or not and if they would be interested in speaking at our seminar. We may also have someone from Yellow Cab. We then briefly discussed how to make the seminar different enough and benificial for people who may have attended before. It was suggested that we send out a survey to the membership to see what topics they may be interested in. Skits were suggested as well as debates and discussions over some of the issues that are currently in the forefront. It was also suggested that we have a talk show themed seminar or that we have someone from Animal Control or the local police department to come and speak about what to do if your dog is attacked. Next, we moved to discussing the flyer for the event. It was decided that we would take a look at the flyer from last year and implement changes in the text and perhaps the picture on the flyer. We have also decieed to keep the title of "tails, wags and pack." Regarding the brochure, we decided to use the brochure that Marion sent to me and that I sent to the list. The members of the media committee will change the brochure to reflect Colorado law. Regarding fundraising, Melissa has not yet had time to look at t-shirts. Shon has looked at King Soopers and stated that they have a donation program for nonprofit organizations where they will donate money to nonprofits. Shon is also still working on the Chipotle idea for sometime in the Spring or Summer. TINA suggested purchasing and then selling either Amazon or Itunes gift cards. We thought that this could be a good idea for a rafle at our seminar. Melissa will send out an email containing the time for the media committee to meet, as well as one containing the list of committees and their members. A date was set for the Media Committee to meet. This date is Sunday March 15th. Our next meeting will be on April 12th at 6:00 PM. Our meeting was adjourned at 3:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Marty Rahn, Secretary

Colorado Association of Guide Dog Users
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