[Coagdu] latest meeting minutes

Marty Rahn marty.rahn at juno.com
Mon Oct 5 02:28:27 UTC 2015

Hi everyone,

Please find the minutes from our latest meeting below.


The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM. People present were Marty, Melissa, Becky and Shon. Bianca was present as a guest. Melissa reported that we would be getting a charter at convention. We have our three resolutions from last year ready to go. Melissa has not yet met with Marion to draft a fourth one regarding educating businnesses about the ADA and rights of guide dog users. Ellie has secured us some gift cards for the Zoom Room and is willing to speak at our seminar on Saturday. She has also been in touch with the woman from Dog Works. They will just need to firm up the logistics for her participation. Guiding Eyes sent Shon an email stating that they would not be able to send anyone. He has not heard anything from the Seeing Eye as of yet. We have not heard anything  on the newsletter either from Beth. Penn Street would like to get more involved and would like to discuss her recent complaint against the restaurant at Winter Park that she filed with the DOJ and the outcome of it. Jessica Beecham also wanted some time to talk about how to get yourself ready in the fitness realm for going to a guide dog class. Bianca would like to donate some door prizes and it was eingplained that she could dffop them off at the CCB. Melissa will drop an email to Beth to see about getting Dr. Justin's number to see if he might be willing to come to fill the vet spot. Becky and Marty were waiting until closer to convention to pick up the candy for the fundraising. Ellie is working on a gdie bag that we can give away at the seminar or at convention. She said that we could also rafle it off. We decided that this is what we would do as a small fundraiser when people came to register for our seminar. We will also be selling the bigger Snickers Mandm's and  Grandma Cookies and the Rice Crispy Treats all for a dollar. Shon will send another email to Yankee Candle tomorrow and ask about a campaign that we can get into. He will also ask if we can have both catalogs and online access to place orders since most of us are unable to see the catalog and  would get more from the online website. We decided that one pouson needed to be responsible for putting together the agenda, and that people needed to be on top of their emails over the next week. Marty will be responsible for putting together the agenda and people should send their confirmed presentation inwithmation to her by the afternoon of October 18th at 
so that she can enter the information, edit the agenda and send it off to Robert at the CCB to be brailled no later than the evening of October 19th. Our next meeting was scheduled for Sunday October 18, 2015 at 7:00 PM. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Marty Rahn, Secretary,

Colorado Association of Guide Dog Users

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