[Coagdu] latest meeting minutes

Marty Rahn marty.rahn at juno.com
Sun Jan 17 23:36:06 UTC 2016

Hi everyone,

Please find the minutes from our latest meeting below. The conference call that was scheduled for tonight at 6:30 will take place next Sunday, January 24, 2016 at 7:00 P.M.


The meeting was called to order at 6:35 PM. People present were Marty Rahn, Melissa G, Melissa F, Christopher Dowdy, and Becky Sabo. ellie, Korenna, and Shon were absent. Bianca Mendoza and Rene were present as guests. First, we discussed our Treasurer's report which indicates that we had $239.36 in our account. $5 is pending for the PAC plan. We next discussed picking a date for our Spring Seminar. We decided to pick either the 4th or the 11th of June as potential dates. It was decided that Christopher, Melissa F and Becky would sell the remaining left over candy from convention at the meetings of the Mile High and Denver chapters. Melissa G will write the presidents of these two chapters to see about selling at these two chapters. Also, Yankee Candle orders for online are due on January 6th. The company has a Yankee Candle app that one can use to browse and order products. We then took up the discussion on a gentleman who is unable to currently feed his dog. We believe that we do not want to set a precedent of providing food for everyone who comes forward asking for food because we do not have the money. It was decided that MelissaG  would see about getting in touch with the case manager and let this person's case manager know that we can help on a limited basis. Melissa will do this soon. We also talked about how the TSA will give a person with a disability, including those who use guide dogs, a personal assistant to go through the air port with them when flying. Annyone who has ideas for our next Spring seminar, please email them to Melissa G. Our next meeting was scheduled for January 17, 2016 at 6:30 PM. Our meeting was then adjourned at 7:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Marty Rahn, Secretary,

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