[COAGDU] COAGDU conference call.

Melissa R Green graduate56 at juno.com
Sun Feb 11 00:58:00 UTC 2018

Thank you to Renae for running the call tomorrow.
Calling information, 
meeting code:
Date: Feb. 11th.
Time: 5:00PM.

Call to order:
Treasurer’s report
Minutes from last meeting

affiliate and national legislation/other:
Washington seminar report
American with disabilities act and education bill
Day at the capitol
parents rights bill
Update on Delta

public education:
plan an event for educating the public.
restaurant fundraisers
selling bags?
greeting cards?
another jewelry party
other ideas 
Planning for national convention
Set a date and title for summer or Early fall seminar
update from Becky
any new graduates in the state
Other business
date and time of next meeting
Melissa R. Green And Pj
"Listen to God with a broken heart. He is not only the doctor who mends it, but also the father who wipes away the tears."
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