[COAGDU] conference call on Sunday.

Melissa R Green graduate56 at juno.com
Fri Jan 19 04:10:34 UTC 2018

Hello everyone at 5:00.
There will be a conference call Sunday January 21, 2018.
Dial: 712-775-7031
Access code:
approval of minutes
treasurer’s report and update on bank account.
report on the leadership retreat
becoming more involved in and with the affiliate.  Ideas and a representative besides myself and the two board members.
Day at the capitol
at large chapter
doing our brochure.
Assigning to represent us with Nagdu, besides myself
Select a date for an in-person meeting
update from the schools.  if we have any.
Select a date for our seminar.
Create an outline or tentative plan.
Becky’s problem with work.
continuing the discussion on service dogs, and guide dog access, The Colorado laws.  Need a volunteer to lead the discussion.
other business
next meeting topics and date and time.

Melissa R. Green And Pj
"Listen to God with a broken heart. He is not only the doctor who mends it, but also the father who wipes away the tears."
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