[COAGDU] COAGDU meeting minutes for8/16/20

Marty Rahn marty.rahn at juno.com
Thu Aug 20 00:54:52 UTC 2020

8/16/20 ,
The meeting was called to order at 4:05 PM. People present were Marty, Melissa G. Maryann, Paul, Kevan and Libby. Renae arrived later. Thomas, Gale, Karis, Jody, Jerry, Rodney and Stacey and Raul were present as guests.
Minutes from last meeting: A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes as they were posted to the COAGDU mailing list. There was no discussion.
Treasury: Our finances are fairly stable. And we still have $65. We now have a Square account. Paul and Maryann are working on registration links for State. Motion was made by Melissa G. and seconded by Marty to accept the Treasurer’s report with no discussion.
National division, NAGDU News: Raul our NAGDU President stated that the plan for moving forward with NAGDU is to have a better and more positive BUILDING OF RELATIONSHIPS WITH GUIDE DOG TRAINING PROGRAMS. NAGDU wants consumers and users to have a more informed choice when going for a guide dog. He believes that by having a good relationship with all of these programs, we can share information back and forth more easily. Internally, he would like to reach out to every NFB guide dog group and NFB affiliate to strengthen relationships. This will allow for greater comradery between divisions and groups. He would like to expand the national NAGDU calendar so that it also holds information to events from all NAGDU affiliates and possibly NFB affiliates. Kevan suggested reading both the October 1995 Braille Monitor, entire issue, as well as the June, 2011 Guide Dog Users Bill of Rights  In order to gain more perspective on the history of NAGDU and issues surrounding Multiple issues with various Guide dog training programs. Both of these can be found on the nfb.org website. Jerry suggested that having better relationships with guide dog training programs will help to facilitate education among the public regarding basic commands and other general questions. Maryann suggested creating a survey of basic questions that we could send to the guide dog schools which we could then publicize. Karis stated that she has been getting push back from CCB and others in regards to getting a guide dog and she is confused by this. She was invited by Kevan to meet with him to discuss this further. Raul also offered some perspective. Raul also invited COAGDU members to NAGDU meetings and Yappy Hour calls. Yappy hour calls are kept open and friendly. Paul will post the email containing the calendar subscription info to our COAGDU listserv.
State Convention: It is being held virtually this year. It will begin on Thursday morning, October 29th. There will be no Sunday morning session. There will be a call for divisions who want to offer up to 90 minutes of content. These sessions will be spread out throughout the convention around general session and resolutions. Registration will be free. Maryann next discussed our seminar proposal for COAGDU. The Committee has already asked some speakers and have commitments from an animal chiropractor. They also have a commitment from a certified t-touch instructor. We are also thinking about someone giving us a presentation from the legal perspective on the rights and responsibilities of a guide dog user. There is room to flex things a little, though they would like to narrow things down soon. Kevan suggested a presentation on apartments and guide dogs. Raul suggested a topic on grieving for those who have lost/retired a guide. Stacey also suggested having a show and tell so that users can find out about new resources and products. Kevan would also like to begin having 30 minute discussions every other month or so regarding issues faced by guide dog users. Pleas email maryannmigs at gmail.com if you have other ideas for state convention. Divisions will not actually meet during the convention. Instead divisions will meet ten days to two weeks beforehand.
Check-in with the membership: Kevan asked Libby how the training of her guide dog is going. Libby stated that the training is going well and that her dog is guiding in harness. Maryann stated that uno now has a clean bill of health since beginning to see the chiropractor. Gail has been blogging and podcasting. Paul gave the email address to the NAGDU Board which is board at nagdu.org. Rodney stated that he had been hit by a car and asked for advice. Paul stated that the NAGDU  app provides access to the NAGDU hotline. Libby stated that once you walk away from the scene that the driver is no longer liable. Renae stated that we need to make sure that our dogs are ok as well. Maryann stated that there is a law in Colorado that helps people who have guide dogs and who are hit by vehicles.
If anyone has any issues getting subscribed to THE COAGDU email list please contact Paul Sandoval at 720-620-8007 or at blindtechtraining at gmail.com.
The next meting was set for Sunday, September 20, 2020 at 4:00 PM. The meting was motioned for adjournment, seconded and then adjourned at 5:10 PM.

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