[COAGDU] the water dish.

Melissa R. Green graduate56 at juno.com
Fri Jan 29 02:35:05 UTC 2021

Hello my fellow guide dog users, and to our allies and supporters.
It is time to put out an issue of the Water dish.
If you are interested in contributing. Please send your suggestion for both articles and an article. 
It will also appear in the blind Coloradoan.
For example of articles deciding to get a guide dog, retiring our dog, grooming tips and products, introducing the dog
to family and or other pets. Lastly, book reviews, interviews with other dog users, toys, and games, and rights and
policies from NAGDU, announcements.
Send it to:
Graduate56 at juno.com
With the word article and title of the piece in the subject line. You may put in the body of the email, or attach it.
Thank you.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Melissa R. Green and Pj
Good isn't what you are. It is what you do.

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