[COAGDU] posting.

Melissa R. Green graduate56 at juno.com
Wed Jun 30 18:49:07 UTC 2021

 Hi all.
I was asked, to post this.
Casey Schueler, is living in Coloradosprings. She was out for dinner this past weekend. At a restaurant called Biaggi's. 
"I was sitting with my grandma and had my guide dog out of the way. This patron went out of his way, and kicked Hallona in the face. The waitor let him have it for doing this. Hallona is all rifht. But you really must be special to go out your way to kick a dog. I have called and made a report. I also called the restaurant and gave a note to the staff for all of the help they gave us.  I was thinking that some sansitivity training, or maybe some of us can go to the restaurant to support them." I would go if something is set up. I can not remember, but this is against the law. I hope that karma will take care of this man. It is really nice to hear of a restaurant that does good with, and by  people with dogs. You can contact casey, at: cschueler1996 at gmail.com 

Have a wonderful and blessed day.
Melissa R. Green and Pj
A home is nothing without the people you love inside of it.
Facebook: Melissa R. Green Goodreads: Melissa R. Green twitter: lissa5674

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