[COAGDU] minutes for the 4-24-22 meeting

Paul Sandoval paulsandoval75 at gmail.com
Sun May 15 23:17:28 UTC 2022

Thank you Marty!



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Paul Sandoval

President - Wild West Metro Chapter

Board Member - National Federation of The Blind of Colorado

Board Member - Colorado Association of Guide Dog Users

email: paulsandoval75 at gmail.com

Phone: 720-620-8007


From: COAGDU <coagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of marty rahn via COAGDU
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2022 9:09 AM
To: coagdu at nfbnet.org
Cc: marty rahn <marty.rahn at juno.com>
Subject: [COAGDU] minutes for the 4-24-22 meeting



The meeting was called to order at 4:05 pm. Board members present were Paul, Kevan, RenNae, Marty, Melissa S. and Maryan. We had Gale Hamilton, Charis Glatthor, Mike Sedmak and Traci Jones present as guests.

Treasurer's Report: Maryann indicated that our balance hasn't changed. Marty stated that to her knowledge, balance $490.70.

General discussion: Kevan stated that we had decided in February to narrow our focus to a couple of projects. He stated that we had decided to focus on medical facilities and getting a quality piece out in regards to training for medical staff at facilities regarding guide dogs and the rights of a handler. Kevan, Rennae and Paul will work on putting something together as there have been incidences between those in the medical industry and guide dog users. Kevan asked Melissa S about what the schools might have already put together. Melissa stated that she didn't know, but that she would investigate.

Rideshare: Kevan asked about a report on the Rideshare video project that on which NAGDU was working. Paul indicated that NAGDU had gotten several videos from people and that they will put these videos together to send to the companies. Paul also mentioned that NAGDU has a sponsorship to National Convention for two guide dog teams, one new and one more experienced. There will also be a Save the Date regarding a guide dog user group at National Convention.

Kevan reiterated that guide dog users have been having issues with rideshare denials and that some of us have met with someone from the Colorado Public Utilities Commision as well as working with DIA to identify a safer place for pedestrians to be picked up at the airport. Regarding Uber/Lyft, Mike stated that he takes a screenshot right when he has been matched with a driver so that he has that info. He also stated that he had someone take a picture of him with his dog guide for his profile so that drivers know. There was discussion about how effective this might be and Kevan asked that anyone who tried this let us know whether it made a a difference or not.

Kevan asked who was going to National Convention. Paul is going. Kevan then asked what else we needed to discuss. He stated that we should think about putting together a power seminar and perhaps do this at State. We had some discussion about the anual eye exam and this led to an idea to have some type of discounted eye exam at State Convention. We will keep thinking on this. 

NFBCO will be holding a reorganizing of the Fort Colins chapter in mid-May. Please contact Kevan if you would like to help with this. Kevan asked Melissa how things were going at Guiding Eyes. Melissa stated that they were having classes of four students to two instructurs and that they were uping the number of home placements they were doing per year. They are also hopeful that they will soon get wait times back to a more normal duration. The next meeting was set for 5/15/22 at 4:00 PM. The meeting was then adjourned at 4:55 PM.


Ms. Marty Rahn

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