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<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial><FONT size=3
face="Times New Roman"> <A></A>Seminars@Hadley
Presents:<BR>Beyond the Working Years: Developing a Retirement Plan for Your Dog
Guide<BR>Date: Tuesday, May 13, 2014<BR>Time: 2:00 PM CDT, 19:00 GMT<BR>Retiring
a dog guide presents the handler with several opportunities and
<BR>challenges<BR>when considering the long-term care of the dog. This seminar
will provide <BR>honest<BR>talk about the four options: keeping the retired
guide in your home; giving <BR>him/her<BR>to a friend or relative; finding a
loving home; or returning the dog to your <BR>school<BR>to find a retirement
home.<BR>Join Seminars@Hadley as Michelle Drolet, former counseling specialist
with <BR>14 years<BR>of experience with The Seeing Eye, presents on the pros and
cons of each <BR>placement<BR>option for dog and master and addresses your
questions to help you make the <BR>best<BR>decision for you and your
dog.<BR>This 90-minute seminar will be co-moderated by two of Hadley’s staff who
<BR>have personally<BR>experienced traveling with and retiring dog guides,
Colleen Wunderlich, <BR>director<BR>of the Forsythe Center for Employment and
Entrepreneurship, and Doug <BR>Anzlovar, dean<BR>of Educational Programs. A
question and answer session will be included as <BR>part of<BR>the
seminar.<BR>This seminar is an audio presentation. Space in this seminar is
limited. <BR>Please only<BR>register if you know you are available to attend so
that others are not closed out.<BR>Register for Beyond the Working Years:
Developing a Retirement Plan for Your <BR>Dog<BR>Guide on May 13. <A
<DIV><FONT size=2 face=Arial>Best! <BR>Melissa R. Green and