11/15/20<BR /><BR />The meeting was called to order at 4:05 pm. People present were Maryann, Paul, Kevan, Libby, Marty, Maureen and Melissa S. Jamie Carley was present as a guest. Rennae & Melissa G were not present. <BR /><BR /><BR /><BR /><BR />Minutes: Paul moved and Maryann seconded adoption of the minutes as emailed to the COAGDU email list. This motion was adopted without discussion.<BR /><BR />Treasurer's report: We have $160 in our Treasury with the addition of dues. Kevan pledged that we would give $500 to our Colorado afiliate. Kevan will generously make the $500 donation to the afiliate himself in order to avoid bankrupting ourtreasury. Maureen asked about the jewelery money from Rennae and Maryann stated that she has to send Rennae a link to pay it to us. Libby moved and Paul seconded to adopt the Treasurer's report with no further discussion.<BR /><BR />Convention Seminar Wrap-up: There were around 160 who attended the seminar. Some felt that the seminar was good. Other feedback was that the T-Touch needed to be explained better and be geared more toward the audience. Paul thought it was decent and very helpful for someone who was new to learning about the topic. Melissa S stated that the presenter felt rushed with the presentation and had difficulty trying to fit in everything. She also stated that this was the presenters' first time presenting on this topic to blind people. <BR /><BR />Possible projects: Kevan wants us to think about one possible outreach project that we can do in the first quarter of 2021. Maureen suggested doing a larger seminar covering such topics as keeping our dogs active during the pandemic while at home, dissiminating info from the schools, guide dog nutrition and getting more detailed with the T-Touch. Maryann suggested getting a chiropractor involved once again. Kevan stated that we could also look at inviting other service dog handlers. We are thinking that we could do a day long seminar sometime in mid-March.--Maryann motioned and Maureen seconded to go ahead with the seminar. Kevan, Maryann and Maureen will work on the seminar planning. Maureen suggested looking into some fundraising such as a 50-50 or some gift baskets. Paul also suggested the 50-50. There was also discussion of asking people who can to donate $5 or more if they are able.<BR /><BR />News from the members: Libby says that her dog had her best day recently and is coming along well with her training. Marty will be having surgery on the 23rd of November to remove a benign tumor in her neck and Maryann will be headed to the eye doctor due to some pain she has been having. Prayers and good luck wishes were offered for all. <BR /><BR />We decided to skip our December meeting. The next meeting was set for Sunday January 17, 2021 at 4:00 PM. The meeting was then adjourned at 4:30 PM.<BR /><BR />Respectfully submitted,<BR />Marty Rahn, COAGDU Secretary
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