<BR />2/21/21<BR /><BR />The meeting was called to order at 4:05 pm. People present were Maryann, Paul, Kevan, Marty and RenNae. Melissa G., Melissa S. and Libby were not present. Jamie Carley, Charis Glatthor and Holly McKnight were present as guests. <BR /><BR /><BR /><BR /><BR />Minutes: Paul moved and Maryann seconded adoption of the minutes as emailed to the COAGDU email list. This motion was adopted without discussion.<BR /><BR />Treasurer's report: We have Deposits were $180 for fundraiser withlry with $5.52 withdrawn for Square transaction fee. This leaves us with an ending balance of $334βc. RenNae moved and Paul seconded to adopt the Treasurer's report with no further discussion.<BR /><BR /><BR /><BR /><BR /><BR />Old business: Kevan brought up the idea that instead of putting together an entire seminar for March, that we help with the Guide Dog Matters seminar. Paul has talked with our NAGDU President and he has indicated that we could have April. This would be an hour long event. Paul moved and Marty seconded to plan for the Guide Dog Matters seminar on the third Sunday in April. Maryann will work to get us a chiropractor and RenNae will work to get us someone who does therapeutic massage. Kevan would also like to use the activities that we plan as a division to recruit people to the division. There was also discussion about having an obstacle course/scavenger hunt at our next in person convention in Denver Metro coming up in October 2021. Further discussion centered around planning this type of activity for the upcoming 6-Dot Dash. We will be developing a committee soon to tackle this further. RenNae reminded us on behalf of Melissa G to please send items to her for the Waterdish Newsletter. You can send submissions to graduate56@juno.com. <BR /><BR /><BR /><BR /><BR /><BR />News from the Members: Maryann told us that she is taking Uno into the Vet this coming Thursday to have a growth checked out.<BR /><BR />The next meeting was set for Sunday March 21, 2021 at 4:00 PM. The meeting was then adjourned at 4:35 PM.<BR /><BR />Respectfully,<BR />Ms. Marty Rahn
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