[Colorado-talk] Get there early and stay late for the NFB of Denver Holiday Bazaar on Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lorinda Riddle lriddle at cocenter.org
Thu Oct 15 21:27:51 UTC 2009

Don't forget the CCB student association will provide both breakfast and
lunch.  Lunch will be served as soon as the chapter meeting adjourns.
Desserts will be available from the Senior Division. 




DATE:           Saturday, October 17, 2009 

TIME:           Before chapter from 9:00 to 9:45 a.m. 

                        After chapter from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. 

PLACE:        Colorado Center for the Blind 

WHO FOR:  Chapter members and their friends and family 


The NFB of Denver chapter will host its first annual holiday bazaar on
Saturday, October 17, from 9:00 - 9:45 a.m. and then from 12:30 - 2:30 p.m.
at the Colorado Center for the Blind.  Please join us and support this fun
fundraising event.  BRING YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS!!


This "Goblins, Gobble, and Gingerbread Holiday Bazaar" will benefit the
chapter, local divisions, the CCB student association and other members of
the chapter.  We hope the bazaar will provide an opportunity for chapter
members to display their craft and cooking abilities while at the same time
providing chapter members, their friends, and family an opportunity to
support our own by buying those crafts and food items. 


The CCB student association will provide both breakfast and lunch.  Lunch
will be served as soon as the Chapter meeting adjourns.  


Each vendor will contribute $5 to the chapter for use of table space.  All
other sale proceeds go to each individual vendor.


Come support your chapter members!  Some examples of sale items are listed:


*	Baked goods, Seniors Division 
*	Black shoulder brief case, CCB 
*	Bookmarks, CCB Student Association
*	Cookies in a Jar, Julee Mullen and CCB students 
*	Crafts & baked goods, Machela Polk
*	Decorative pillow cases, Brenda Mosby 
*	Fudge samples, POBC table 
*	Handmade jewelry, Grace (Rohde) Weyandt 
*	Handmade ladies bags & honey, Katy Rohde 
*	Handmade note cards, Jennifer Stevens 
*	Handmade woodcraft products, Merle Schippert 
*	Holiday nuts and candy, NFB of Denver 
*	Neck wallets (red or black), NFB of Denver 
*	Party Lite products, Jan Durby (CCB volunteer) 
*	Watkins Spices & Extracts, Shelley Bruns 


For more information contact: Karen Samuelsen at 303-864-1729 or Lorinda
Riddle at 303-778-1130, ext. 236 



There is a Braille literacy crisis in America. 

You can be part of the solution.

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Bicentennial Silver Dollar now!


Lorinda Ann Riddle 

Coordinator of Special Projects 

National Federation of the Blind 

 of Colorado (NFBCO)

2233 W. Shepperd Avenue 

Littleton, CO 80120

W: 303-778-1130 

C: 720-384-5871

lriddle at cocenter.org    www.nfbco.org


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