[Colorado-talk] Fw: Possible NCLB Braille Exam at NFB Convention

Scott C. LaBarre slabarre at labarrelaw.com
Tue Feb 9 00:17:32 UTC 2010

Scott C. LaBarre, Esq.

LaBarre Law Offices P.C.
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----- Original Message ----- 
From: Louise Walch 
To: Louise Walch 
Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 4:25 PM
Subject: Possible NCLB Braille Exam at NFB Convention

Hello NFB State Presidents,

Please forward the following information to your members. It is in regard to NCLB braille testing at national convention. If possible, I'd like to receive responses from those interested by the end of this week. Thanks so much for passing the word along.

More info below.



Louise G. Walch
NCLB Braille Exam Coordinator
braille at nbpcb.org

Attention all interested in receiving National Certification in Literary Braille (NCLB):

If you are interested in testing for National Certification in Literary Braille, NCLB, at the NFB national convention in Dallas this July, please e-mail Louise Walch, testing coordinator, at braille at nbpcb.org. Please send your e-mail this week if possible. We are eager to hear from you.


A sufficient number of candidates are needed before the test room can be scheduled; Thus, by e-mailing you are increasing the chances that the exam will be offered. You will be notified of the decision later this month. Your e-mail is merely to give us an idea of who is interested and does not obligate you in any way. 


The NCLB is the only nationally recognized certification in literary braille geared specifically toward teachers. The NCLB is a five-year renewable certification awarded to those who successfully pass all four sections of the National Literary Braille Competency Test. The cost is $250.


For more information, updates, deadlines, sample exams, and to apply online, go to:



If you have further questions or would like to host an exam in your area, contact Louise Walch, NCLB Test Coordinator at braille at nbpcb.org or call (318) 257-4554.


Louise G. Walch
NBPCB Coordinator
braille at nbpcb.org

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