[Colorado-talk] cabs conference call re-scheduling.

Melissa Green graduate56 at juno.com
Mon Mar 8 21:50:15 UTC 2010

hello all.
Since a couple of people are unable to make it to the call tonight.
And, the fact that someting has come up for marty and I concerning our class.
We will would like to re-schedule the conference call.
For this sunday or monday.
Yes, I know that it is spring break for  some of us.
However, I will be out of town but I will call in to the the conference.
On what ever night you guys choose.
Let either marty or myself know which day works for you.
Thank you.
Have a blessed day.
Melissa Green
"At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want."
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