[Colorado-talk] FW: [Alerts] Fwd: talking prescription lables use it or lose it

Scott C. LaBarre slabarre at labarrelaw.com
Mon Apr 2 16:53:21 UTC 2012

Colleagues, please note the below.  We don't want to lose this program.

-----Original Message-----
From: alerts-bounces at lists.ccdconline.org
[mailto:alerts-bounces at lists.ccdconline.org] On Behalf Of Reiskin, Julie
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 10:33 AM
To: alerts at lists.ccdconline.org
Subject: [Alerts] Fwd: talking prescription lables use it or lose it

Dear friends,
I want to thank you for your support of the ScripTalk program with the
Walmart pharmacy.  This program has been going on for a month now and we
have had a few people take  advantage of this opportunity in the Englewood
area. Unfortunately, the expectation  by Walmart has not yet been met. In
order to keep this a successful pilot program  with Walmart and to continue
to move forward, we need to increase the number of participants.
It is time to sound the trumpet and call in the troops!
I understand that traveling to this pharmacy site can be an inconvenience
for some  of you, and I appreciate your sacrifice. Your efforts here will
help to pave the  way for others across the country to also have accessible
prescriptions. Now is the  time in which we can make a difference for all
visually impaired citizens across  the country. Please help by sharing this
information with others. If you know of  an elderly person, a friend with
vision issues, or anyone with trouble reading, please  have them call to
enroll in the ScripTalk program.
My thoughts and gratitude go out to all of you. Together we can make a
difference. ScripTalk Talking Prescription Labels  at our local Walmart
If you have trouble reading your prescription labels, there is a solution.
Walmart Pharmacy in Englewood is now providing talking prescription labels.
With just a press of a button, you can hear all the printed label
information, using your free ScripTalk Station reader from En-Vision
For more information, contact Walmart Pharmacy at 303-789-7209 or En-Vision
America at 800-890-1180.
David Bode
Regional Sales Manager
En-Vision America, Inc.
1845 Hovey Ave.
Normal, IL  61761
Phone 800-890-1180 ext.155
Fax 309-452-3643


Evelyn Tileston.
<tilestons at optimum.net>


Julie Reiskin,  Executive Director
Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition
655 Broadway Suite 775
Denver, CO 80203
Direct Line 720-961-4261
Direct Private Fax 303-567-6582
Organizational Line 303-839-1775
Organizational Fax 303-839-1782


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