[Colorado-talk] 2012 Picnic Update -- NFB of Colorado Springs
Everett Gavel
everett at everettgavel.com
Fri Aug 17 05:41:22 UTC 2012
The NFB of Colorado Springs annual picnic was held on Saturday, 8/11/2012,
from 11am - 2pm -- and it was a fun and beautiful time. There were more than
30 adults and kids all having fun and making new friends.
We had everyone from blind seniors to some parents of blind children in
attendance, as well as families that were part of this year's BELL Program
in Colorado Springs.
You missed out if you weren't there, as much of the main courses were from
Rudy's, and were donated by Worley Enterprises. We've served Rudy's at our
picnics in years past, and most everyone seems to love it. Other dishes were
brought by various members of the chapter as well.
We had a Tug-O-War contest 3 times, having good-sized teams each time. The
last Tug-O-War had an even 18, with 9 people on each side. Great fun!
This year we had 6 pairs of adventurous souls racing in our 50-Yard,
3-Legged Race.
And though several of us talked the talk, when it came down to it, Rebekah &
Anthony, both currently students at the Colorado Center for the Blind (CCB),
walked the walk -- and won the 3-Legged Race.
While most of us were eating, a few shared some things coming up with the
NFB of Colorado Springs chapter. Such as our chapter looking into starting a
bowling night for blind bowlers in the Springs, and our upcoming NFB of
Colorado State Convention in October, in Boulder. Also the reminder that our
monthly chapter meetings, which are always open to the public, are held on
the second Saturday of each month from 10:30am - 12:30pm, at the Garden
Ranch YMCA on Academy & Montebello.
There was also mention of the $3500.00 Amazing Travel Raffle package, with
tickets able to be bought online -- on this very Web site. It's only $10 per
ticket, or 3 tickets for $20.
Not bad at all, considering that with a $3500 travel voucher you can travel
anywhere in the world at least once. You could stay at a Disney Resort
(Disney Land, Disney World, or Euro Disney) for a couple of weeks in great
luxury if you win. You could stay at a chalet in the French Alps, or make
footprints in the black-sand beaches of Maui if you wanted to, if you win.
You may be able to fulfill your own travel dreams, all by simply helping us
do even more great things for blind children & blind college students --
through the NFB of Colorado Scholarships we give out each year. That's what
the money raised by the Amazing Travel Raffle will go to.
You not only get to help, but for the price of about 3 Starbuck's coffees,
you might win a $3500 travel voucher to spend however you care as you travel
where you've thus far only dreamed of. Remember, you can order tickets right
from this Web site (right now) -- for only $10 each or 3 for $20! ;-)
Lastly, we held a small raffle among the picnic's attendees, with the prize
being a "4-Pack of Movie Tickets" ($40 gift card) to Cinemark Theatres on
South Carefree Circle. So far Cinemark is the only movie theatre in Colorado
Springs offering at least 1 theatre that has the MoPix Descriptive Video
Service (DVS) accessible movie theatre for the blind. Thank you, Cinemark,
for making your movies accessible and enjoyable by the blind of Colorado
Springs as well as everyone else.
That's it for this update. We hope you can come spend the afternoon with us
at next year's NFB of Colorado Springs annual picnic. There's going to be
even more fun & games & prizes in 2013! If you want more information, please
call chapter President Jeanette Fortin at (719) 332-7529.
Blessings to You!
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