[Colorado-talk] Snow Removal in the City and County of Denver

Gary Van Dorn garyvdrn at msn.com
Mon Feb 6 12:22:00 UTC 2012

There is an interesting article online concerning the enforcement of rules the City and County of Denver has on snow removal.  In the City and County of Denver, businesses have four hours to remove snow after the storm ends (Apartment complexes -- including Condominium Associations -- are businesses in the City's rule scheme).  Residents have twenty-four hours to remove snow after the storm ends.  I encourage those outside the City and County of Denver to become familiar with their city's ordinance concerning snow removal.  I was previously secretary of the Denver Commission for People with Disabilities (DCPD).  The DCPD discussed approaching DRCOG (Denver Regional Counsel of Governments) to have a unified snow removal policy throughout the metropolitan area.  

The DCPD held a meeting in the atrium of the Webb Building in 2008 after the series of winter storms struck Denver concerning snow removal.  The head of the inspectors at that time was present.  He made it clear that the City and County of Denver restarts the clock if snow falls again.  The City educates people before beginning the process of fining them.  I encourage Federationests to contact 311 in Denver (or your city government) with any areas which are unshoveled.

I comprehend there are people who are unable to shovel their snow due to a secondary disability (i.e., back injury).  Contact a neighbor for assistance.  I will contact the City and County of Denver to ascertain if they are able to assist those who are physically unable to shovel snow.  G-d may have put the snow on the sidewalk, it is up to responsible people to remove it.  Be careful!!!!!  Thank you.

Gary Van Dorn
President, MIle High Chapter NFBCO

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