Lee Baze
drleebert at msn.com
Thu May 17 04:31:53 UTC 2012
West Alabama Drive at Wadsworth blvd. in lakewood, 2 blocks south of mississippi ave. across from Alameda High School.
RTD ROUT 76 up and down Wadsworth, out of BELMAR STATION connecting to rout 3 out of Alameda Station..
RTD ROUT 11 West Mississippi ave. out of I-25 AND BROADWAY light rail station.
Florida avenue and Reed street in lakewood, 1 block west of Florida avenue and Pierce.
RTD ROUT 14 up West Florida Avenue out of I-25 AND BROADWAY light rail station.
MAY 18, 19, AND MAYBE 20TH, 2012, 8 AM, OR SO, TO 4 PM, OR SO. Come early for best selection, and to avoid the usual afternoon rain that we enjoy in the spring.
We will have a bunch of 33.3 vinyl record albums, and glass wear and china. one huge piece of carpet, books, and who knows what else at this time. We will begin OUR DIGGING THROUGH STUFF on Thursday, so I may post more items available.
My family will make a donation of some type to THE BELL PROGRAM at the conclusion of the sail/sale.
PART OF A BRAIL BIBLE, GRADE II. I believe it is the new testament, is available for FREE, email DRLEEBERT at MSN.COM WITH BRAIL BIBLE in the subject line so it doesn't get sent out with the junk mail. You will need to arange for pickup. Please include contact information in your e-mail.
Thank you very much, and happy communing and shopping.
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