[Colorado-talk] DVR Director Recruitment Announcement

Scott C. LaBarre slabarre at labarrelaw.com
Thu Jun 6 16:26:34 UTC 2013

Hello again, I looked at this announcement after I posted it.  I noticed
that the attachment is an inaccessible pdf.  Lately, our DVR has developed a
nasty habbit of sending out inaccessible pdf's.  However, if you follow the
link, the on-line announcement is fully accessible.  As for the  on-line
application itself, I don't know about its accessibility and would like to
hear from anyone  who applies.  Also, I wanted to tell people not to worry
about the Colorado residency requirement because we are going to push for
that getting same waived.  





From: Scott C. LaBarre [mailto:slabarre at labarrelaw.com] 
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 9:51 AM
To: 'NFB of Colorado Discussion List'; State Affiliate Leadership List
(state-affiliate-leadership-list at nfbnet.org)
Subject: FW: DVR Director Recruitment Announcement


Please spread this far and wide.  Colorado has a general agency which serves
the blind  but it would be great to have a blind person at the helm and/or
someone with the NFB philosophy.


From: Julie Deden [mailto:jdeden at cocenter.org] 
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 9:43 AM
To: Scott C. LaBarre
Subject: FW: DVR Director Recruitment Announcement


HI Scott,

Here it is.


Thanks so much 



Julie Deden

Executive Director

Colorado Center for the Blind

2233 W. Shepperd Ave.

Littleton, CO  80120

303-778-1130 ext. 210

303-778-1130 fax



Take charge with confidence and self-reliance


From: Jorgensen - CDHS, Todd [mailto:todd.jorgensen at state.co.us] 
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 1:44 PM
To: Jorgensen, Todd
Cc: Kerksick, Julie; Dann, Krista; Hartman, Kelley; Buzogany, Robert;
Feuerbacher, Carol; Ferrington, Karen; Ray, Penny; Jorgensen, Lisa
Subject: DVR Director Recruitment Announcement


Dear DVR Stakeholder,


I'm pleased to announce that we have initiated recruitment for the Director
of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation at the Colorado Department of
Human Services.  Attached please find the announcement and you can also find
it online at http://tinyurl.com/DVRDirector. 


As you know, this position is critical in providing strategic direction and
leadership for Colorado's Vocational Rehabilitation program.  If you or
someone you know may be interested in this position I encourage you, or
them, to apply.  I also ask you to share this message with any of your
partners that I may have missed.  


We plan to involve our DVR stakeholders at various levels of the selection
process.  If you have any questions about this recruitment or anything else
happening in DVR, please don't hesitate to give me a call or email.  Thank
you for your support of DVR.  


Todd Jorgensen, Deputy Director

Office of Economic Security

Colorado Department of Human Services

(303) 866-3726 <tel:%28303%29%20866-3726>  desk

(720) 448-6538 <tel:%28720%29%20448-6538>  cell


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