Jessica Beecham jbeecham at cocenter.org
Wed Mar 13 15:41:39 UTC 2013


My name is Jessica Beecham and I am pleased to tell you about two AMAZING
scholarship opportunity offered through the National Federation of the
Blind (NFB) and the National Federation of the Blind of Colorado (NFBCO).  The
National Federation of the Blind awards 30 scholarships ranging in value
from $3,000.00 to $13,000.00.  These scholarships are awarded to blind
students from across the United States who will be pursuing a full time
post secondary education in the Fall of 2013.  One scholarship is awarded
to an individual who is working full time and attending school part time.  The
NFBCO awards over $15,000.00 in scholarships to Colorado residents who are
blind and attending college full time.

NFBCO Scholarships are awarded at the 2013 NFB of Co state convention,
which will be held in Colorado Springs, CO.  Expenses will be paid for
scholarship winners to attend the NFBCO State convention.  In addition to
the monetary award and the trip to CO Springs, students will also receive
an all-expense paid trips to the National Federation of the Blind’s
National Convention, which will be held in Orlando, FL.  Winners of the
National Federation of the Blind National Scholarship will also receive an
all expense paid trip to the National Convention in Orlando Fl. Along with
other substantial prizes.

The deadline for the NFB scholarship is *March 31, 2013 *and the deadline
for the NFBCO scholarship is *April 15, 2013.*

Attached you will find a flyer for both scholarship programs and an
application for the NFBCO Scholarship program.  You can also apply by
visiting the following websites:



Please share this information with any blind college student who will be
attending in the Fall of 2013.  These are GREAT scholarship programs and we
hope that many students will apply.

Best Wishes**


* *


*Jessica Beecham*

*Chapter and Community Development Coordinator*

*National Federation of the Blind of Colorado*

*2233 West Shepperd Ave.*

*Littleton, CO 80210*

*jbeecham at cocenter.org* <jbeecham at cocenter.org>

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