[Colorado-talk] Quote from "...Journey to Independence"

Everett Gavel everett at everettgavel.com
Mon May 6 21:06:58 UTC 2013

I'm sharing a quote from Diane McGeorge's article 
published in this month's Braille Monitor. In her 
article titled, "A Blind Senior's Journey to 
Independence," Ruben Hernandez said this:

"I learned three things that day: Don't get
in a hurry-that's why I fell; pay attention to 
what you are doing-that's
why I got on the wrong tram; and, most important, 
learn to trust what you
get from that cane. I never had that confidence 
before. Now I'm not one to
brag, but I tell people that, if I can do it, they 
can do it. What they
need to do is get over their poor-me syndrome. 
Your eyes aren't going to
get any better, so you might as well take 
advantage of what time you've
got, and learn what you can. When you finally 
become totally blind, then
you'll know what to do. I tell people that my life 
has taught me that you
have to fight what you have to fight, whether it 
is seeing flashes from a
foxhole and hoping that the blast doesn't get you 
or taking on the problems
of blindness and learning how to handle them."

What can be said to that, except, "Amen." Thank 
you, Ruben, and thank you, Diane, for sharing his 

Strive On!

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