Jessica Beecham jbeecham at cocenter.org
Tue May 28 16:34:50 UTC 2013

Hello Everyone

I just wanted to remind everyone that our Community At Large conference
call meeting will be tonight at 7:00PM.  To dial in please call
712-432-1500 and enter access code 564151.  Below and attached you will
also find the minutes from April meeting.  I have also attached the minutes
from March.  I look forward to talking to you tonight!

Best Wishes

Jessica Beecham

April 23, 2013

NFBCO At-Large Chapter Meeting Minutes

Noted and changed:  March, 2013 NFB At-Large minutes network contact
address:   www.cblv.org and resubmitted.


Street, Penn        Loveland      President

George, Alice       Loveland      Vice President

Meusborn,Mark    Holyoke        Treasurer

Norton, Karen      Ft. Collins     Secretary

Devish, Zubie      Meeker         Board Member

Messano, Joe      Denver

Mason, June        Denver

Keenon, Tim       Steamboat Springs

Beecham, Jessica Denver         Facilitator/Outreach

***Spelling of names and complete information unabailable for spreadsheet.
Need to develop method to obtain each phone call for correct inclusion in

March, 2013 minutes amended and resubmitted May 27, 2013 with web address

Announcement/Upcoming Events:

Cherry Creek Sneak-Denver, Colorado with sighted guides for

April 27, 2013

1st NFBCO Chapter meeting Fort Collins

    Saturday, May 4, 2013   12:30pm

    Old Chicago Restaurant-College Avenue-downtown

“Vision Matters”   Senior Low-Vision/Blindness Event

Fort Collins Senior Center

May 16, 2013    1-4pm

NFB National Convention    July 1-6

Orlando, Florida

NFBCO 2013 Colorado Cenvention

Colorado Springs

October 17-20

-more info to come, check postings for hotel (Marriott),dates, scholarships

“No Barriers”   Telluride

 August 8-11

Scholarships still available

Contact:   970-484-3633

All ages, all disabilities

Braille Enrickment

Colorado Springs   06/17-06/27

Denver                 07/26

For:   Ages 4-12

Needs more attendees

Denver   May 18

Beer/Brat fundraiser

Wine Tasting fundraiser-Denver


Designated Drivers for CCB

Topics At-Large:

Discussion to have NFBCO Board meetings add conference calling so more can
attend across the state.


Prefers in-person attendees

Limited transportation offered with advance notice

Unable to conference call due to lack of effective equipment at this time

Further discussion tabled at this time

09/12 and 09/14/2013

CCB Anniversary Celebration

? free

The $1,000,000 car that blind can drive will be on-site

Music        Open to the public

Keynote Topic-April, 2013 At-Large Chapter Meeting


Colorado Coalition for the Blind and Visually Impaired currently building
their website with inclusions for transporataion contact information across

RTD-trying to connect larger intracity routing

Estes Park-Special Transit offers Estes Park residents scheduled transit to
Ft. Collins, Loveland, Boulder and Longmont

Rides available only 1x/month

For paratransit qualitifications when traveling:

1.           Call in advance as application may be required to receive
reciprocal services if already using paratransit.

2.           If you do not have paratransit in your home town, be willing
to complete an application and allow 4-6 weeks processing time.

3.           Keep letters of approval as this may facilitate services in
another city once you’ve received approval and meet ADA guidelines, etc.

4.           Contact local Public Relations, Transit for options when
traveling with a disability

Zubie Devish noted she needs assistance to learn more about local
paratransit when there is no public transit offered in her small community
which would include transit to/from:  Meeeker, Rifle, Rio Blanco

Currently, there is no true continuity across Colorado for
transit/paratransit; esp., for qualifications for paratransit and
public/paratransit should meet all the needs as prescribed by the ADA and
should meet the basic transit options to meet a disabled person’s everyday
basic activities of daily living needs (ADL)

As per Ken Peterson, Steamboat Springs has fixed transit to Craig with

As per Penn Street-Telluride has free public transit

How to advocate for equality in transit/paratransit connecting Colorado:

1.           Write you local congressman/woman, city council members.

2.           Know your alternatives:  taxis, churches, hospital medical

3.           Check options online, call city information

4.           Develop a Transportation Tree with friends, family to share
rides with a community posting when people anticipate travel to another
town, to the store, etc.

5.           Share transportation-sharing the cost of a taxi ride, gas
costs reduce your cost as well

NFBCO has a resolution to persuade the Colorado General Assembly to support
connected transit plans, consolidate services to not duplicate dollars
spent on studies, etc. offer steps to connect Colorado

At-Large Chapter could suggest and evelop a plan to present for
consideration as a resolution to the NFBCO State Convention, 2013

2nd Resolution-some cities have no taxi or public source for
transportation-which, in turn, does not meet the basic needs on an
individual with a disabling condition.  How to mandate essential transit in
all Colorado communities.

Be aware of private transportation opportunities.  Ask for current
insurance, liabilitiy coverage details, business or personal auto insurance
coverage for passengers; esp., if a paying passenger.

Jessica Beecham offered to contact Scott LaBarre regarding the Coloraod
statutes for providing transportation within a community; esp., for

Next meeting(s):

May 29, 2013   7pm

Topic:  Chapter development and growth

Zubie Devish:

How can At-Large chapter be a toll-free call to encourage increased
participation; esp.,f or those with low-income needs

Each member asked to invite someonte to “attend the May 29th meeting

Topics offered for upcoming meeting consideration:

Social Security-SSDI vs SSi, Medicaid Buy-In for working disabled, benefits
for SSA being Blind, tax advantages, how to keep benefits, Ticket to Work

Airline and rail transit, how to find accessible accommodations when

*Penn Street offers she ahs a speaker on this topic

Members encouraged ot present topics of interest and schedule at next

No Treasureers Report noted

Meeting moved to close and seconded  @ 7:05pm

Minutes respectfully submitted May 26, 2013

By Karen Norton, Secretary At-Large Chapter Colorado

Jessica Beecham
Chapter and Community Development Coordinator
National Federation of the Blind of Colorado
2233 West Shepperd Ave.
Littleton, CO 80210
jbeecham at cocenter.org
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