[Colorado-talk] Fw: CDOT - Statewide Survey of Elderly & Disabled Transportation Needs

melissa R green graduate56 at juno.com
Tue Nov 12 23:04:58 UTC 2013

Hi all.
I was asked to pass this on.
Not sure how accessible this survey is.  But they do have paper coppies of 
it to be completed.
The link is in the message below my signature.
Please pass this on to others as well.
Melissa R. Green and Pj
COAGDU President
"We love because he first loved us."

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Porter - CDHS, Rebecca
To: Rebecca Porter - CDHS
Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 10:49 AM
Subject: Fwd: I would strongly encourage any and all DVR clients and others 
to complete this survey! RE: CDOT - Statewide Survey of Elderly & Disabled 
Transportation Needs

Important CDOT survey if you have time to fill it out or pass it on to 

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Date: Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 4:57 PM
To: Lindsey Pacheco - CDHS <lindsey.pacheco at state.co.us>, Sunny Lane - CDHS 
<sunny.lane at state.co.us>, Angelique Atkinson - CDHS 
<angelique.atkinson at state.co.us>, John Ferlin - CDHS 
<john.ferlin at state.co.us>, Kristy Penk - CDHS <kristy.penk at state.co.us>, 
"Rutland, Lin" <lin.rutland at state.co.us>, "Pennock, Richele" 
<richele.pennock at state.co.us>, "DELL, Laverne" <laverne.dell at state.co.us>, 
"Brouner - CDHS, Joelle" <joelle.brouner at state.co.us>
Cc: "Ektermanis, Tina" <tina.ektermanis at state.co.us>, Jadwiga Brown - CDHS 
<jadwiga.brown at state.co.us>, James Strader - CDHS 
<james.strader at state.co.us>, Joe Rael - CDHS <joe.rael at state.co.us>, "Klein, 
Karen" <karen.klein at state.co.us>, Lorraine Hutcheson - CDHS 
<lorraine.hutcheson at state.co.us>, "McGowan, Michelle" 
<michelle.mcgowan at state.co.us>, "Mumma, Garrett" 
<garrett.mumma at state.co.us>, "NEVE, Ken" <ken.neve at state.co.us>, "Papadaki, 
Lila" <lila.papadaki at state.co.us>, "Pilkington, James" 
<james.pilkington at state.co.us>, "Porter, Rebecca" 
<rebecca.porter at state.co.us>, "Richard, Timothy" 
<timothy.richard at state.co.us>, "Rushing, Tracy" <tracy.rushing at state.co.us>, 
"Wagner, Patty" <patty.wagner at state.co.us>, "Yates, Brook" 
<brook.yates at state.co.us>

From: Martinson - CDOT, Michele <michele.martinson at state.co.us>
Date: Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: CDOT - Statewide Survey of Elderly & Disabled Transportation 
To: "Pacheco - CDHS, Lindsey" <lindsey.pacheco at state.co.us>

Hi Lindsey,

Here is the online link:  www.n-r-c.com/survey/cdotsurvey.htm

Thanks for helping out!

Michele Martinson

Transportation Technician II

CDOT- Division of Transit & Rail

michele.martinson at state.co.us


On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 9:36 AM, Pacheco - CDHS, Lindsey 
<lindsey.pacheco at state.co.us> wrote:

Hi Michele -

If you would be so kind as to provide me with the electronic version via a 
"link," I'll have staff in Region 1 (Colorado Springs/Pueblo/Trinidad/Limon 
and places in between) as well as Denver - Personal Adjustment Training Unit 
for the Blind and Visually-impaired chime-in with responses.

Thank you,


Lindsey D. Pacheco, M.S.W.

Regional Supervisor II, Region 1

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

Colorado Department of Human Services

303-866-3319 phone

303-866-3419 fax

On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 3:28 PM, Martinson - CDOT, Michele 
<michele.martinson at state.co.us> wrote:

Good Afternoon,

If you are included in this e-mail list, CDOT's Division of Transit & Rail 
has not yet received a response to the message below. It has come to my 
attention that there is a problem with my office phone number and voicemail 
box. I apologize if anyone has been unable to reach me. Please respond if 
you are able to assist with the survey, as indicated in the following 

As you may be aware, CDOT will be conducting a statewide survey of the 
transportation needs of Elderly and Disabled individuals for the development 
of the Department's first Statewide Transit Plan.  Alliance Colorado and the 
Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation have both endorsed the 
survey. This survey will be mailed to individuals as well as be available 
online in both Spanish and English.

We are looking to augment our mailing list by working with agencies that 
directly serve elderly and disabled populations statewide.  We would like to 
provide hard copy surveys to these agencies for distribution to their 
mailing lists. These hard copies will include pre-addressed postage paid 
return envelopes.

Please let me know if you are willing to help distribute the survey and if 
so, how many hard copies of the survey we should provide you. Please also 
include your organization's current mailing address. If you would like to 
send out the survey via email distribution lists, we will make the online 
survey link available to you.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated to get the best results we can to 
better understand the transportation needs and provide better transportation 
services to elderly and disabled individuals statewide!

Thank you,

Michele Martinson

Transportation Technician II

CDOT- Division of Transit & Rail

michele.martinson at state.co.us


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