[Colorado-talk] FW: [DRBA] OT Braille Literacy = Drinks on a Beach?

Scott C. LaBarre slabarre at labarrelaw.com
Tue Sep 17 19:38:15 UTC 2013

Greetings my Federation friends.  I encourage you to send out messages to
all your contacts regarding our travel raffle.  Below, I share with you the
message that I have been sending out.  This particular version of it  went
to a group  in which I am involved called the Disability Rights Bar
Association.  Please feel free to use or not use my text as you like.  It's
always best to personalize your message somehow.  It is easy to send
messages to all of your contacts.  You can also put this on your facebook
pages and other social media.  If you need help learning how to do this,
please contact Jessica Beecham at jbeecham at nfbco.org or 303 778-1130, ext.
223.  So far, we are far below last year's sales and we need your help to
get out the word.  Please help us sell, sell, sell!





From: Disability Rights Bar Association [mailto:DRBA at LISTSERV.SYR.EDU] On
Behalf Of Scott C. LaBarre
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 1:06 PM
Subject: [DRBA] OT Braille Literacy = Drinks on a Beach?


Greetings My DRBA Friends:

Please allow me a moment to plug my organization's major fundraiser.  As
many of you know, the National Federation of the Blind has played a major
role in allowing me to become a successful attorney and otherwise lead a
full and enriching life.  Please join me in supporting the Federation by
participating in the NFB of Colorado's Amazing Vacation Travel Raffle.  It's
easy to do. 

What can you win?  A $3500.00 travel gift certificate to a travel agency.
Anyone in the world can win  this certificate to travel anywhere  in the
world.  You don't even have to use it  all at once.  You can break it up
into a few trips and related travel purchases from the agency.  Last year's
winner is taking a bike tour through Europe, for example.

What is the cost?  The cost of one ticket is $10 and you can get three for

How do you purchase tickets?  Please go to www.nfbco.org and click on the
vacation travel raffle link and follow the instructions from there.

What does this fundraiser support?  It supports our college scholarship
program for blind students and our Braille literacy program called BELL for
blind youth.

When is the drawing?  We will draw the winning ticket on Saturday, October
19, 2013, as part of the NFB of Colorado's Annual Banquet.  You need not be
present to win.

Again, please go to www.nfbco.org and purchase your tickets.  Thanks to all
those who have already supported this program! 

Scott C. LaBarre, President
National Federation of the Blind of Colorado

P.S. I apologize if you have received this mailing a couple of times due to
the fact that some email addresses are on a few different lists.


REMINDER: The DRBA listserv is intended to facilitate open discussion and
sharing of ideas. Members need to feel confident that their discussions will
not be distributed beyond the group unnecessarily. PLEASE CONSULT WITH THE

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