[Colorado-talk] FW: [Alerts] Announcement - CCDC Spring 2014 Advocacy Training Class

Scott C. LaBarre slabarre at labarrelaw.com
Tue Jan 21 17:07:07 UTC 2014

This may be of interest to some of our members.


-----Original Message-----
From: alerts-bounces+slabarre=labarrelaw.com at lists.ccdconline.org
[mailto:alerts-bounces+slabarre=labarrelaw.com at lists.ccdconline.org] On
Behalf Of CCDC Member Alerts List
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 9:30 AM
To: slabarre at labarrelaw.com
Subject: [Alerts] Announcement - CCDC Spring 2014 Advocacy Training Class

Colorado Cross Disability Coalition

Winter/Spring 2014 Training Opportunity Announcement

Basic Advocacy Training - Disability

Colorado Cross Disability Coalition (CCDC)

Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition (CCDC) and the University of Denver are
excited to offer a class and certifiction in Individual and Systems Advocacy
Certification Training.*

The class includes 8 (3 hr. sessions)  - Tuesdays 10:15AM-1:15PM - Feburary
11, 2014 - April 1, 2014

Focus will be on the following topics

   -  CCDC History, What about CCDC and General Advocacy
   - Navigating the Healthcare System
   - Disability Determination-Social Security (SSI and SSDI)
   -  Medicaid  Disability Determination - The Affordable Care Act
   - Due Process and the Appeals Process for Benefits
   - Community and Grass Roots Organizing, Nonprofit and Regulatory
   BoardsThe Legislative Process
   - Effective Communication, Requesting Reasonable Accommodation (ADA) and
   the Colorado Open Records Act
   - Ethics of Advocacy

When: Training will be conducted every Tuesday morning 10:15 AM-115PM (3
hrs) Feb 11, 2014 - April 1, 2014

Location: The University of Denver, University Hall- Rm. #304, 2197 S
.University Blvd. Denver Colorado.This training is a great education for
community activists or for those looking for additional skills necessary to
work in the field of disability services, advocacy, community organizing,
the legislative process, or civil rights law.

Certification Opportunities *

Basic Advocacy Disability Training - Healthcare - Completion of all 8
sessions will qualify students to earn a CCDC Diploma or 3 DU Continuing
Education Credits.

Denver University (DU) Certificate of Specialization - Requirement

Completion of the 8 week class

1 Advanced Class CCDC - Certificate of Completion or (1 DU CEU)

Completion of a CCDC 6 month mentor led practicum

* DU Continuing Education and Certification is contingent upon
implementation of the program by Denver University by Feb 11, 2014.

Cost of Classes and Practicum: Free to registrants committed to the CCDC
Volunteer Advocacy Team

Basic Advocacy Class - $500 1st registrant - $250 for additional registrants
with same organization.

CCDC Diploma and Certificate of Completion - no charge

Denver University (CEU) Continuing Education Credits $25 each credit -
Certificate of Specialization $225

Please Note: A pre registration interview is required for the class.
 Acceptance and willingness to undergo a criminal background check will be
required to volunteer with CCDC.

The Basic Advocacy Class is limited to the first 20 registrants and the

For more information or to register, please contact Sheryle Hutter (CCDC
Advocacy Support and Training Coordinator) by email shutter at ccdconline.org
or leave a telephone message at303-277-0601 In appreciation:
The CCDC Advocacy Training Program is provided through partnership with the
University of Denver, University College and the Premiere Sponsors for the
CCDC Advocacy Training  Program are Colorado Access, Rocky Mountain Health
Plans Accountable Care Collaborative, and Anthem they are the Champions for
People with Disabilities.

We extend a sincere thank you to these organizations for their commitment to
our community.

Please request disability accommodations to shutter at ccdconline.org

Sheryle Hutter, Advocacy Training and Support Coordinator

655 Broadway, Suite 775

Denver, Colorado 80203

303-839-1775 Phone

303-839-1782 Fax

www.ccdconline.org Website

Julie Reiskin,  Executive Director
Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition
655 Broadway Suite 775   Denver, CO 80203
Direct Line 720-961-4261
Direct Private Fax 303-567-6582
Organizational Line 303-839-1775
Organizational Fax 303-839-1782
Become a Member of CCDC for Free <http://svy.mk/Kgggp2> Like us on Facebook

*What does CHOICE mean to the disability community?*

*All people want and deserve Choice ... As they personally define it.*

** Individual choice recognizes that people have opinions and a right to
make decisions.*

** Individual choice does not intentionally intrude on others personal

** Individual choice represents true participant direction*.
  Choice is an implicit human right

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which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged
material. Any review, re-transmission, dissemination or other use of, or
taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or
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