[Colorado-talk] FW: Exciting Changes to The Blind Coloradan! We Are Now a Blog

Scott C. LaBarre slabarre at labarrelaw.com
Thu Jul 17 15:27:23 UTC 2014

Please see the below.  We believe this will be a more effective way to
deliver our news on a more frequent basis.  If you have any contributions,
please contact Kevan or Jessica.






From: Jessica Beecham [mailto:jbeecham at cocenter.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 4:01 PM
To: Jessica Beecham
Subject: Exciting Changes to The Blind Coloradan! We Are Now a Blog


For Immediate Release

Release Date:

Wednesday July 16, 2014

Jessica Beecham

Chapter and Community Development Coordinator

National Federation of the Blind of Colorado

303-778-1130 x 223


jbeecham at nfbco.org


Colorado Springs, CO (July 16, 2014). The National Federation of the Blind
of Colorado this week announced that The Blind Coloradan will be changing
formats to bring readers more timely, empowering information and opinion.
The Blind Coloradan will now evolve into a blog Blind Coloradan
theblindcoloradan.blogspot.com. According to Kevan Worley, who has edited
The Blind Coloradan in recent years, "This is very exciting for readers who
really want to stay in the know. We will now be able to better target our
creativity and use of valuable time to bring more immediate information,
analysis, and opinion to our readers, both within and outside of our
immediate Federation family. We can more effectively meet the needs of our
readers through a more relevant, accessible, 21st Century solution. I look
forward to collaborating with Jessica Beecham and all future contributors to
make our new blog a powerful tool of communication and inspiration."

For over three years, the NFB of Colorado newsletter, The Blind Coloradan,
has published three to four times per year. It has been inspired by the
National Federation of the Blind of Colorado's best intention, expansive
creativity, and earnest commitment to bring each reader profiles,
information, event summaries, resolutions, and convention reports. The
newsletter quickly began to become too dense. It began to resemble a news
magazine rather than a breezy, up-to-date news bulletin. It became daunting
to write and even more daunting to read.

For quite some time now, the organization has also had a blog. NFB CO has
determined that the best use of time, effort, and imagination would be to
target resources more effectively and encourage everyone to read the new
Blind Colorada blog. Please send news people can use, notices of upcoming
chapter activities, and opinion to Kevan Worley or Jessica Beecham. Email
kevanworley at blindmerchants.org or jbeecham at nfbco.org. The affiliate plans to
keep the blog lively and up-to-date. NFB CO also plans to add the blog to
the local news channel on NFBNewsline. So, check the blog, read the blog,
and share the blog with others theblindcoloradan.blogspot.com
<http://www.blindcoloradan.blogspot.com/> .

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