[Colorado-talk] Fwd: How About a Little "Pick Me Up" for the Day?

Everett Gavel everett at everettgavel.com
Thu Jul 24 17:42:00 UTC 2014

Many of you probably know I moved to Colorado in 
2012, from Ohio. Below is a short message from the 
previous NFB of Ohio President, Dr. JW Smith. Some 
of you may know of his talents. Not only is he an 
active member of the NFB and a Professor at Ohio 
University, but he's also one of my favorite 
modern-day Rhythm-and-Blues singers. He recently 
shared a song on the Ohio-Talk list, which I've 
passed along the link to, below. I hope you enjoy. 

Strive On!

From: "Smith, JW" <smithj at ohio.edu>
Subject: [Ohio-talk] How About a Little "Pick Me 
Up" for the Day

Friends and Colleagues,
It is such a gorgeous day today, low humidity and 
a nice breeze, and I am feeling real good. I hope 
that your summer in general is going well and your 
day to day specifically. Attached you should find 
a copy of my song entitled "Dr. FeelGood" and I 
hope it puts an extra pep in your step and a smile 
on your face. I'm feeling extra happy today so 
thank you for indulging me in sharing some of my 
music. Enjoy and share with others if you'd like!


Desc: Dr Feelgood 1-16-12.mp3

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