[Colorado-talk] 2014-11-19 Agenda for the Mile High NFBCO Meeting

Gary Van Dorn garyvdrn at msn.com
Fri Nov 14 21:03:02 UTC 2014

I attached is the agenda for Wednesday’s meeting.  We are meeting at Brooks Towers, 1020 Fifteenth Street, Community Room, Denver, CO 80202.  The meeting begins at 5:45 p.m.  

I had the long awaited surgery on my left knee on 11 November 2014, and I am progressing very quickly.  I am now able to walk, albeit it slowly, without crutches.  I plan on attending Wednesday’s meeting; however, Moe will conduct the meeting in case I am unable to be present.  

You are welcome to contact me at 303-863-1150 via voice or text with any questions; you may also E-mail.  

Gary Van Dorn
President, Mile High NFBCO
Board Member, NFBCO

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