[Colorado-talk] FW: We Need Your Help! Please Spread the word about our NFBCO Raffle and Beatlemania!

Scott C. LaBarre slabarre at labarrelaw.com
Wed Oct 15 20:17:03 UTC 2014

Some you may have already received this from Jessica, but if you haven't,
here you go.  Let's go build the Federation!




From: Jessica Beecham [mailto:jbeecham at cocenter.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 11:00 AM
To: Jessica Beecham; CCB Staff; ITP Students
Subject: We Need Your Help! Please Spread the word about our NFBCO Raffle
and Beatlemania!


Hello Friends and Colleagues,


Thank you for being a part of the National Federation of the Blind of
Colorado. Because of hard work and dedication from members and supporters
like you, our affiliate has been prosperous. In order to maintain our
current programs and further our good work in Colorado we have to generate
funds. We need your help. Here are 5 ways you can help to continue and
expand the great work of the National Federation of the Blind of Colorado.


1. Enter for your chance to win $3,500 CASH!


This is a great way to help because you might be the winner! Imagine $3,500
cash to use to take a vacation, pay some bills, shop till you drop, put a
down payment on a car, throw some dollars in savings, or whatever else you
can imagine!  The opportunities are only limited to $3,500!!! Tickets are 1
for $10 or 3 for $20.


2. Encourage other people to buy raffle tickets.


This is a very easy way to help!  There are several ways you can spread the
word about the Amazing Colorado Raffle! Send out an email blast, send a text
blast, tweet, invite friends to our Facebook raffle group
https://www.facebook.com/events/1471179883153128/?ref=br_tf,  or ask friends
individually (if you need paper tickets contact Lorinda Riddle at
303-78-1130 x 236 or lriddle at cocenter.org).  Below this message you will
find sample emails or and tweets.


3. Buy tickets to "Twist and Shout" Beatlemania


What a bargain what a deal!  Donate to the National Federation of the Blind
of Colorado while Twisting and Shouting like 1964.  Art Schreiber who is now
blind and one of only two reporters who toured with the Beatles 50 years ago
on their first US Tour will be telling stories about his personal
interactions with members of the band and the Fab 4 Beatles Tribute band
will play two sets of awesome Beatles songs.  There will be heavy hors
d'oeuvres, cash bar, silent auction, and much more.


4. Sell tickets to friends and family for "Twist and Shout" Beatlemania. 


Tell your Colorado friends about this great event! Send emails, ask friends,
make phone calls, and invite people to our "Twist and Shout" Facebook event
https://www.facebook.com/events/447893595349348/.  Below you will find a
sample email blast to send to friends! 


5. Make a donation to the National Federation of the Blind of Colorado.


Sample Emails: Be sure to personalize your emails!


Dear Friends


As many of you know the National Federation of the Blind of Colorado has
made a huge difference in my life.  The National Federation of the Blind of
Colorado helps me and other blind people across the state live to lives we
want.  I would like to ask you to make a donation to the National Federation
of the Blind by purchasing Amazing Colorado Raffle Tickets!


The Amazing Colorado Raffle is a drawing for $3,500 CASH!  Imagine having
$3,500 to take a dream vacation, go on a huge shopping spree, pay some
bills, save some money, put a down payment on a car, or whatever you want.
The only limit is your imagination and $3,500.  Proceeds support our Braille
Enrichment for Literacy and Learning program
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aBTNcasZPQ.  The BELL program is a 2-week
Braille immersion summer camp for kids ages 4-12 and our scholarship
program, which gives over $15,000 in scholarships to blind college students
each year.


Tickets are 1 for $10 and 3 for $20 and can be purchased at
www.nfbco.org/amazing-colorado-raffle.  The winning ticket will be drawn on
November 1, 2014 at our annual State Convention in Denver Colorado.  You do
not have to be present to win so buy now and buy often!  We are having a fun
contest to see who can sell the most tickets so please mention my name when
you make your purchase.



Sample Tweets


Win $3,500 cash and support NFBCO www.nfbco.org/amazing-colorado-raffle


WIN COLD HARD CASH and support Braille literacy


Amazing Colorado Raffle is a win, win, win!  Win money, support
scholarships, and support Braille Literacy


Sample "Twist and Shout" Beatlemania letter


Hello Friends


Come "Twist and Shout" with the National Federation of the Blind of
Colorado. Art Schreiber, who is now blind, a Rock 'N' Roll hall of fame
honoree, and master story teller, will be telling many stories about his
experience traveling with the Beatles on their U.S. maiden voyage. Art was
one of only two U.S. Reporters with "A Ticket to Ride" and he has lots of
stories to share! The Fab4 Beatles Tribute band will play two sets of
Beatles Songs that will take you right back to 1964. 


Tickets are $50 each and include:

?         2 sets by Colorado's own Fab4

?         enthralling multimedia presentation by master storyteller and
reporter Art Schreiber

?         heavy hors d'oeuvres

?         silent and live auction

?         cash bar


Contact Jessica Beecham for information about group rates or event/table
sponsorships jbeecham at cocenter.org 303-778-1130 x 223.


Happy just to dance with her on Oct. 30 w/
<https://twitter.com/fabfourband> @FabFourBand & hear Art Schreiber talk
about Beatles '64!   <http://t.co/9W5YF8TJFn> http://www.nfbco.org 


C'mon & shake it up baby now, Twist & Shout with us Oct. 30 w/
<https://twitter.com/fabfourband> @FabFourBand & Art Schreiber!
<http://t.co/9W5YF8TJFn> http://www.nfbco.org


She's Got a Ticket to Ride; but do you have your ticket to Twist & Shout w/
<https://twitter.com/fabfourband> @FabFourBand & Art Schreiber?
<http://t.co/o1UXZq5ezI> http://www.nfbco.org 



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