[Colorado-talk] thoughts and prayers

Scott C. LaBarre slabarre at labarrelaw.com
Mon Aug 24 20:16:44 UTC 2015

Greetings everyone, it is my sad task to tell you that Kevan Worley's
mother, Darlene Worley, passed away over the weekend.  Kevan and Bridget are
in Arkansas attending to arrangements and there will be a funeral on
Thursday,  Please keep the Worley's in your thoughts and prayers.  Kevan's
parents, Jim and Darlene,  were both members of the NFB and attended
something like 10 national and several state conventions.  Neither was blind
but they knew how important the work of the Federation was  to their son and
even though they lived several hundred miles from Kevan, they were the ones
who played the leading role in establishing the Ft. Smith Chapter of the NFB
in Arkansas.


As many of you know, Darlene's health had been failing for  a while.
Nevertheless, Darlene's passing has hit the family very hard because one can
never truly be ready for such an event.  Again, please think of Kevan and
Bridget, and let's honor Darlene's and Jim's memory by building our
Federation even stronger! 




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