[Colorado-talk] the water dish.

melissa R green graduate56 at juno.com
Mon Mar 30 05:59:17 UTC 2015

Hello all.

It is that time again.  The Colorado association of guide dog users is
taking submissions for the second edition of the water dish the newsletter
of the division.  Content may include, Articles on experiences with a dog
and issues having a dog, anniversaries of dog teams, birthdays of dogs,
announcements about alumni information, new teams, questions concerning
obtaining a dog, caring for a current dog and other information.  Please
contact and submit your content to:

Dishon Spears at

dspears at cocenter.org


dishonspears at comcast.net by April 10, 2015.   Thank you.  It is my hope that
we will receive a lot of content for this newsletter.  Please pass along
this message to others that may be interested in contributing to the water


Melissa R. Green Coagdu president and Pj

"Listen to God with a broken heart. He is not only the doctor who mends it,
but also the father who wipes away the tears."


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