[Colorado-talk] Linda anderson our chapter treasurer.

Melissa R. Green graduate56 at juno.com
Sat Dec 10 03:14:47 UTC 2016

Hi all.
I hope you abbl are well, and looking forward to the holiday-Christmas party. 
I got a call from Linda Anderson.  She told me that her husband Russel is in the north colorano medical center  in the hospis care unit on the fifth floor.  He has COPD and is in the   final stages of this disease.  He has been on home hospis care for months now.  Linda has been the main caretaker. Thez have a nurse that comes in a couple times a week.  This is who discovered that Russel was not doing  well.  
 As many of you may or may not know, Linda is a graduate of the CCB.  She has been a long time member and officer of the Greeley chapter.  Since its inception.  She has been a quiet but strong pressence in the chapter and at times the affilliate.   She has also been involved with the krafters devision, serving as a board member.  So please keep Linda and Russel in your thoughts and prayers.  He has had a few close calls.  Where they weren'tat sure he was going to make it.  Linda is holding on.  She could use her federation family to be there for her in any way posible.  There may be some medical things that may come up for them in the near future, that she may ñeed help adapting.  I don't know.  However, I do know that Linda doesn't see that she has contributed to the afilliate and the chapter much.   Here is her email.  If someone wants to contact her. 
silkylin at juno.com  %PLEASE join the Greely chapter in supporting Linda and her family.  %Thank you.  

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