[Colorado-talk] Colorado Blind Parents Division meeting on Saturday

Nate Trela ntrela at gmail.com
Fri Mar 18 14:22:19 UTC 2016

Hello all,

Just a reminder that the Blind Parents Division of the NFBCO will hold
its next meeting Saturday at 12:15 PM at the Colorado Center for the
Blind, 2233 W Shepperd Ave., in Littleton.

We are planning to adopt a constitution and elect officers so we can
really hit the ground running.  We want this to be a truly statewide
entity. At our first meeting on Feb. 20, we talked about ways this
division can benefit parents around the state. Whether it's being a
resource for new parents  wondering about  alternative techniques e
have used, addressing  accessibility issues  with our children's
schools and the technology  they work with, or  educating others about
parenting without sight, we  have shared  experiences and talents that
are a benefit to all of us.  We ran the cross-section, from people
curious about having children in the future, an expectant mom, a new
mother, parents with school-aged children and even those with children
long out of the house. We talked about a social component with
playgroups and group outings ... the ideas kept coming.

  While we are starting off with meetings after the Denver chapter’s
meetings, there's a lot of enthusiasm for taking it on the road in
conjunction with other chapters. If you can't make it to this month's
meeting, you can dial in to participate:

Conference line: 712-432-1500
Access code 564151#.



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