Lisa Bonderson lbonderson at cocenter.org
Mon May 2 18:56:44 UTC 2016

Dear Friends:

The NFB of Colorado Sports and Recreation Division is sad to announce that the Find Your Fit seminar on May 7 has been canceled. Unfortunately, due to serious medical issues and family obligations, a few of our board members are unexpectedly unable to assist with the seminar. Please send positive thoughts, prayers, or good energy their way.

We still have some exciting events on the horizon! We are planning a Judo clinic on June 18th. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to jessica at wefitwellness.com<mailto:jessica at wefitwellness.com> or call 866-543-6808 x 105. If you are planning to attend National Convention in Orlando Florida, we plan to have a booth at the NF-BE Healthy event on June 30th. It will be lots of fun so stop by and check it out. Thank you for your patience and we hope to see you on the 18th.

Best Wishes,

Jessica Beecham


NFB Sports and Recreation Division

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