[Colorado-talk] Sports and Recreation Division Call TONIGHT

Lisa Bonderson lbonderson at cocenter.org
Wed Oct 12 18:32:30 UTC 2016

Hello Everybody!

Don't forget to join the Sports and Recreation tonight at 7:00PM for our first open meeting! This is the place to bring your questions about exercise health and wellness. We will also be embarking on an exciting October challenge. You will not want to miss this call.

Last night there was a glitch in the system that was some folks they would be charged a penny per minute for signing into the call. We are looking into whether this has to do with a specific phone carrier or if it is a systematic glitch. We will get it figured out as quickly as possible but our call will be less than an hour. If the 60 cents is a hindrance please know that we are working on a solution.  It is not an issue for everyone. I called in from my cell phone and did not have an issue at all.

The call in information is 712-432-1500 access code 564151#.

Best Wishes

Jessica Beecham

Program Director

WE Fit Wellness

1837 S. Nevada Ave

PMB 243

CO Springs, CO 80905

W           866-543-6808

C            615-497-0435

Jessica at wefitwellness.com<mailto:Jessica at wefitwellness.com<mailto:Jessica at wefitwellness.com%3cmailto:Jessica at wefitwellness.com>>


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