[Colorado-talk] Denver Chapter Meeting and Girl Scout Cookies

Ryan Osentowski ryano at aincolorado.org
Tue Feb 14 16:24:13 UTC 2017

Hello Folks:

The Denver chapter will be holding our monthly meeting at the Colorado
Center for the Blind this Saturday, Feb. 18 at 10 A.M.  As usual, we will be
playing the latest presidential release from the national office, as well as
updating you on the most recent happenings with the state and CCB.  I'm sure
Washington Seminar will feature prominently in the state report.

We will be hearing from Paul Sandoval, who will share his story as a blind
small business owner.  Rumor has it that he will also be selling Girl Scout
cookies after the meeting, so please be sure to bring cash if you are

Speaking of food, there's nothing worse than sitting through a meeting on an
empty stomach.  To that end, we will once again be selling breakfast
burritos from Santiago's along with orange juice at the beginning of the
meeting.  We heard our fans loud and clear and promise to have more spicy
burritos available for this go-round.

If you have any questions about the meeting agenda, contact chapter
president Dan Burke.  We hope to see everyone this Saturday.


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