[Colorado-talk] Save Medicaid Rally Tomorrow
Dan Burke
burke.dall at gmail.com
Wed Jul 5 15:19:48 UTC 2017
Below is a flyer for tomorrow's Medicaid rally downtown - outside
Senator Gardner's offices. The significant cuts to Medicaid in the
Senate health bill will definitely affect blind people - the NFB has
put out the number of 100,000. Please attend the rally!
Our Life & Liberty Depend on It
Rally near Senator Cory Gardner’s Office
Thursday July 6th, 11 AM – 1 PM
Park immediately East of 1125 17th Street, Denver
Call 303-839-1775 with questions
Call, Fax, and Email Cory Gardner’s Office
Senator Gardner’s Phone: Phone: (303) 391-5777
Senator Gardner’s Fax: Fax: (202) 228-7171
Senator Gardner’s Email:
Key Messages are:
• Medicaid is the ONLY insurance or program that covers long-term
services and supports which provide daily assistance to people with
disabilities to enable us to survive and to live in and contribute to
the community. These services are called Home and Community Based
Services or HCBS
• DO NOT support per capita caps or other financial strangulation of
the Medicaid programs on which people with disabilities and seniors
rely for critical healthcare and community services.
Dan Burke
My Cell: 406.546.8546
Twitter: @DallDonal
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