[Colorado-talk] (no subject)
Blanca Roman
broman at cocenter.org
Sat Jul 22 00:22:51 UTC 2017
The meeting was called to order by Dale Holden, Vice President at 10:30 a.m. There were 13 members present including a guest speaker.
The first order of business was listening to the Presidential Release of the NFB, Number 460 from Mark Ricabono.
Gary Garcia, True Independence for freedom of Vancouver was introduced by Dale as the guest speaker.
National convention logistics were briefly discussed, coming up July 10 a 15th. Registration and room reservations should be made as soon as possible if you plan on attending.
Dale, VP has arranged for an Aurora police officer to speak to the Chapter on Fraud and Scams; making our lives safer. This will take place on July 22nd.
Willie, Treasurer went over the schedule for the meeting rooms. For June we have the 17th due to unavailability (third week,); but for July and August the schedule is back to the 4th week of the month.
The Treasurer then read the minutes from our last meeting. Minutes were accepted and passed with clarification of room rates for hotel reservations at National Convention to be further
Willie, Treasurer read the financial report. Current balance is $494.13. Treasurers report was accepted and passed.
General discussions followed. Edith brought in t-shirts that were ordered. Also, she is completing the forms necessary for the city's White Cane Month in October.
Anyone who would like a supply of the Kernal Books should see Wayne. There are three different books available which gives you some options.
Discussions about the new rail stop (Florida) in Aurora arose. Apparently, when you get off the rail it is not clear which direction the traffic is going. Wayne has addressed this issue with the city and they have assured him they will be placing an audible signal, at that intersection. They were glad to have his feedback.
Judy requested a volunteer to purchase next months goodies. You can also donate money if you are unable bring in the goodies yourself. Gary Garcia volunteered for next month and also joined the chapter. He was welcomed by all members.
John talked about the senior retreat in South Carolina which is being modeled after the seniors in charge program at the CCB. He requested more information and clarification. Dale stated the environment in North Carolina has problems that are not conducive for a good setting for this type of program. Duncan and Diane are conducting conference calls on this subject.
The guest speaker Gary Garcia, owner of Total Independence (travel for seniors) gave a presentation. The company’s mission is to provide services to the Blind. He is an interpreter by trade but as he started losing his sight he noticed he was losing business opportunities for employment, due to his inability to travel to different sights. He realized that there were locations that were not accommodating to his situation. True Independence provides documents on an electronic format to locations by providing screen readers, jaws. etc. on how to help facilitate individuals with disabilities in navigating thru the employers systems. He feels it’s important to the community to help become more productive and independent. Transportation is also absolute, so he created an organization that provides services for veterans, senior citizens and individuals with disabilities, but only to places of employment, doctors appointments, and any types of meetings. You just let them know what your needs are for transportation, doctors apt., work, etc. The doctor calls them and they will pick you up and bring you home! You no longer need to waste time waiting for other rides or waiting for a bus for hours…get where you need faster and more efficiently! They prefer you request your rides in advance, at least 24 hours. However, they do in some cases have the ability to provide same day services dependent on their schedules. You can also schedule rides in advance as your needs arise. The costs are approximately $1.50 per mile. You fill out an application and they determine what your costs will be and if they are taken care of by your employer, your doctor or yourself; it depends on where your destination is or what your service requirements are. Application process is the basic information and an assessment of what type of service you will need. Proof of disability, age and/or veteran status will be required. Contact ahart at mytruefreedom.org for more information. Also, the company is looking for board members.
Or contact Gary at ggarcia at mytruefreedom.org. They have a lift but he's not aware of the capacity. We promote communication between us and the individual. Details of their services and protocols were presented.
Open forum discussion was held. Shiela spoke on her new residence. John sang a song he wrote for the Aurora Chapter of the NFB.
The meeting was then adjourned.
Sent from my iPad
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